Three days after a fifteen-year-old girl was saved from the horrible fire in Dorcol, a formal reception was organized for construction workers who became heroes of the nation: Niko David, Nemanja Držajić, Lazar Ereš, Nenad Janković and Pavle Gavur, and on that occasion Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić presented them with awards and plaques.
One of the younger heroes Nemanja Držajić (20) for “Hello!” He claims that he and his colleagues are unaware of the brave feat, but that the cry of the girl, who called for help from the burning apartment of a high-rise building on Visokog Stevana Street, still echoes in their heads.
– The fire pushed her to the edge of the terrace, and called for help from her heels. We had no time to waste, in an instant we devised a plan to tie a colleague with a rope and then drag him and the girl upstairs. And we succeeded, the girl jumped into his arms and, the next second, the fire collapsed the roof of his terrace – says Držajić.

Fire in Dorcol, Photo: Alo.rs.
This man from Pancevo, who worked with four other heroes in the rehabilitation of a nearby building, explains that after the rescue, the girl only managed to tell them that she was in pain, while smoke came out of her mouth.
– She just said, “Everything hurts, thank you,” and then she smiled. We found his mother the next day, and she thanked us with tears – says the young hero.
We are happy to have saved a life
Pancevo’s heroes claim that their phones are constantly ringing and that in just three days they have received countless congratulations, but also gifts.
– People invite us to lunch and send us gifts. But that was not really our goal. We are grateful to everyone and happy to have saved a life, say the heroes.
However, these heroes of Pancevo, even after a great feat, continued to think about the fire girl and began an action to collect help.
– We invite all people of good will to help this brave girl, who is waiting for a long recovery. We hope that his condition improves, so that we can meet officially – he said.

Nemanja Držajić, Photo: Masanori Jošida
We remind you that the teenager suffered third degree burns in the fire and had to undergo surgery yesterday. Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić handed rescuers a mobile phone, an annual Bus Plus card and the book “Book about Belgrade”.

Heroes, Photo: Hello! / Masanori Yoshida
Radoslav Marjanović, president of the municipality of Stari Grad, said that this municipality will give 15 thousand dinars to the heroes, help to repair the roof of the building that was damaged during the fire and give the injured girl a laptop so she can continue after leaving the hospital. teaching from home.