We must not allow the economy to stop, we must learn to live with the crown


The Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić and Professor Petar Kočović, invited to the Kurir TV program Usijanje, confirmed that Belgrade is currently the main focus of coronavirus in the country, mainly due to the participation in the total population of Serbia, the population density , the large number of students and people from abroad. the capital.

photo: Kurir Television Printscreen

When will the epidemic pass?

– It is difficult to give an answer, the swine flu lasted two years. Today, people in China live normally. I used the model of a famous professor of astrophysics, the so-called Copernican formula. According to average values, the end of the epidemic will be in the period from March 8 to San Elías.

– We better take August 2 so that everything disappears until San Elías. But that August is half of what we went through, says prof. Dr. Petar Kocovic, professor of information technology who is Usijanja’s guest tonight on KURIR television.

In Usijanje, Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić says that in addition to the health of the nation, something else is important to the state.

– Belgrade is implementing the crisis headquarters measures. Belgrade insists on preserving jobs and that all measures, in addition to being in the interest of public health, must be in the interest of the economy. We must not allow the economy to become more stable, says Belgrade Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić.

photo: Kurir Television Printscreen

– There are more medicines, citizens and doctors have more experience. 40,000 people are at risk in the hotel industry. Those who respect the measures should not suffer. Those who violate them must be held accountable. We need to live with the crown until the cure comes or the epidemic passes. Life cannot stop. You heard Angela Merekel, Vesić said.

– The peak of the epidemic will be in fifteen days, but it all depends on the type of respect for the measures. The celebrations are coming soon. Those who came today to report that they were not well, became infected in the last fifteen days, says Kočović.

photo: Kurir Television Printscreen

– We should give hope, but in the next 10-15 days, the number will grow and then it will start to fall, but that may not happen. We use various models, and the math so far has shown good trends in all three waves, and I wish this would all end sooner and say I was wrong.

Have you perhaps thought about asking citizens if they were better off when it was curfew?

– There is no time in crisis for referendums, some will ask for a state of emergency, others will not. The measures are taken based on what epidemiologists suggest and how to preserve the economy. That is the essence, not to listen to different opinions. This is what happened two days ago in Ljubljana, people just have to go on living. If there is a curfew, our economy cannot function. Here are the celebrations now, and the priest told me that a lot of people don’t have guests at the celebration, that’s a good example. No one wants their guests to end up in the hospital, and people must understand that this is an emergency, that no one will control it and no one will control fame. People have to understand that for themselves, says Vesić.

photo: Kurir Television Printscreen

– Here, we have agreed with the Serbian Orthodox Church that there will be no Christmas village in front of the Saint Sava Temple, and there will be no concerts in the Square. We are preparing an interesting welcome, but on television there will be stages and programs, but not the audience. We will make sure that people do not get infected, we will adapt to the weather. There will be no mass rallies, it would be insane for the City to organize them, says Vesić.

– It is seen how few people are infected in schools and kindergartens, but there are very strict measures implemented, and thus educators and children are maintained. The rules are known and followed. Of course, there are some less children, but that shows that if we organize, it is possible, says Vesić.

Do crisis staff consult with you?

– No, I suppose they are looking at me but nobody called me. We use the Gaussian budget model. Before, when you had swine flu, it wasn’t this kind of problem. The Gaussian curve is bell-shaped, if it is shallow, the epidemic will last several days, but it will be milder. If it is higher, it will finish earlier. Andrew Como explained to Americans in March whether it was better to let go of the infection or not, but he stood up to Trump and then they dropped everything. On a daily basis, I enter the number of infected people, and when I have data, I can get the missing part of the curve. I see that for all of Europe, and somewhere in a dozen countries, the epidemic will disappear around April 1, says Kočović.

– We were very disciplined and now we have the third wave. In my opinion, since everything was closed, and the fact that we did not travel this summer, we did not interfere much with people from outside, that saved us a bit. They did us a favor by banning us, says Kocovic.

photo: Kurir Television Printscreen

– We have only 140 sanitary inspectors to control sanitary standards for all of Serbia. We cannot accept volunteers, and anyone can sentence me, so we had to wait for the law to be changed, we will use it to make sure that the police and community inspectors can monitor the application of the law. It is not the essence that people are punished in the streets, but those responsible. If someone in the mall does not have a mask, the owner is responsible, and if someone does not have a mask at a party, the organizer is at fault. Those who are not disciplined must learn to be. Now there are far fewer people in hospitals and people on respirators compared to the number infected, says Vesić.

– There are now more infected than in the first and second waves, and the death toll is 138, two and three times less than in the first and second waves. Our doctors managed to find a magic formula, not to put people on respirators immediately, but to keep them on oxygen, says Kočović.

– A friend of mine was in the Bežanijska kosa hospital, once he came out and said: “Whoever tells me that our health system is bad, I will hit him.” The Kovid Hospital in Batajnica will be completed on December 1. The essence is that we manage to preserve health, that people are also treated for other diseases, says Vesić.

photo: Kurir Television Printscreen

– The relationship between the number of analyzed and infected is not statistically important. Everyone who is evaluated for both travel and certification is evaluated. There is not a number of how many of them are tried for the first time, and that is difficult to separate. These demonstrations this summer affected a certain number of people by becoming infected. I have some curves that I didn’t post, but when I saw when the Chinese made the decision to abolish quarantines and masks, I realized they were looking at more math. In Europe, it is different, says Kocovic.

– Vaccines have already been started in China, but everyone traveling abroad must be quarantined for 14 days, Vesić says.

– It is very important that we are united in this situation and that the situation is not abused. We should all support crisis personnel and the government, and doctors. It’s not easy to do eight hours of spacesuits, it’s too difficult. And they are like that every day for almost 9 months, says Vesić.

– I wear the mask since we crossed 30 infected per 100,000 inhabitants. Starting tomorrow we find ourselves in a battle between the purple and gray areas. The worst is the black zone, there are Switzerland and Slovenia. The Belgians began giving instructions through YouTube, says Kočović.

Don’t people here believe in numbers? Did they lie to us?

– I take for granted what Trampoline announced. I do not go into whether something is hidden or not. We know very well that when something is measured, today some results are taken, so they don’t have to be announced right away, it will be packed and averaged. I have no objections when, statistically speaking, it is not a problem, says Kočović.

– We are skeptical as a people, most countries have made audits, so he will be with us, but it is an ugly attempt to abuse and politicize certain parties. This is a difficult situation, if you don’t want to join the government, then at least represent the doctor and the crisis personnel. We should all understand that this is an accident that happened to everyone, and much richer countries did not react adequately. Serbia is fighting as much as it can, we are trying to get out of this with the least damage to our society. And imagine if Angela Merkel was asked how to acquire equipment. Did it occur to you that in this situation, someone asks you why something is acquired according to the emergency procedure in an emergency situation? Vesić says.

– As much as we are in panic that the number increases, and when it begins to fall, we know how to predict. In Europe, there are already a number of countries where there are many infected and the numbers are high, where the virus is already falling, in Iceland or Ireland, for example, says Kočović.

– The rules for bars are still the same as before, if we have good weather, there will be fewer people infected. It is important that catering service providers adhere to all measures. People realized that this was the third wave, says Vesić.

– The best situation is in shopping centers, where only 4% of people do not wear masks, in cities on the street 70% do not wear masks on average. In Belgrade, 43% of people do not wear masks on the street. People should wear masks, says Kocovic


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