We lived together as high school students in Čačak, it was as pink as an apple and I fasted all the messages.


The Serbian Orthodox Church was left without patriarch number 45, and I was left without a friend from school, friend, wise interlocutor, says Radojla Markićević Cojle, a vital and hardworking doctor of science from Sremska Mitrovica at the age of 93.

“I received this book from the hands of the patriarch, an honor for everyone, and more so because it is from a friend from school,” says the 93-year-old doctor of biotechnical sciences with pride, recalling the school days in Dragacevo and the year that shared with Miroslav Gavrilovic.

“We lived together as students, high school students in Čačak with the family of Krstomir Kovačević, he was a plump child, pink as an apple, he fasted all fasts from the first to the last day and his life commitment was immediately visible. He continued. the spiritual path of monks, seminars for the episcopate and myself through agricultural science ”, recalls Radojla Markićević Cojla from Sremska Mitrovica.

photo: Ana Paunković

After high school, he and Miroslav met for the first time in almost half a century to mark the 300th anniversary of the migration of Serbs to Sabac.

“It is not forgotten,” says Radojle, “I was sitting in the second row, the Bishop of Nis in front.

“At one point, Bishop Vasilije turned around and asked me something. When we finished, Bishop Irinej asked: ‘Is that you, Cojle?’ in a hug after how many decades, he recognized me by my voice ”, describes Cojle’s meeting with a student friend after almost half a century.

The childhood friendship was renewed and the encounters of the last decade in the Patriarchate continued. In addition to the experts, Cojle also wrote numerous history books and donated the first copy of the “Prilipački jewels” to a friend from school.

photo: Zorana Jevtić

The book was printed by the patriarchal printer, and Patriarch Irinej gave the blessing for its printing. In gratitude, Radojle published his photo in the book, but with one wish: that the patriarch visit the church in Prilipac next fall, which celebrated 650 years in those days.

A joint trip to Prilipac and a visit to the investiture of Prince Lazar is an outdated wish, an even greater pity for a sincere friend and soul-healing conversations.

“The patriarch encouraged and valued the written word, and I still don’t give it up,” says the vital Coyle. The new book is already in press and the next text is still on the computer.


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Author: delivery courier
