We live in a society where everyone else is a nervous patient and is convinced that they know everything – Society


It was quite clear that due to the long tenure in power and largely due to the total autism of the ruling elite, changes had to occur.

We live in a society where everyone else is a nervous patient and is convinced that they know everything 1

Arrogance, corruption, ignorance, and selective justice certainly contributed to that; This is how the popular Montenegrin team “Knjige’s Books” explains some of the reasons for the fall of the current regime in Montenegro in an interview for Danas. “Buksovci” -radio and television authors, satirists and musicians, by, as they say, collective responsibility, insist that behind the conversation we had are the four- Veselin Gajovic Gajo, Zoran Markovic Zonjo, Aleksandar Radunovic Popaj and Goran Vujovic. His satirical sketches are popular throughout the region because the Buksovs primarily ridicule human stupidity and the absurd phenomena of society.

How is it in Montenegro? Because of the crown, the choice … Was it the thing that diverted you the most?

It’s great in Montenegro because so many people have come back to the faith, which means that when you want to borrow money from someone, you can borrow money by telling them that they will be cursed if they don’t lend it to you and they will give it to you. Also, if you are waiting in line to pay the bills or you are in line at the store, it is enough to start coughing or vomiting, many will move and let you finish the obligation when crossing the line. The good thing is that the government has changed after 30 years, so we can work illegally until these new ones drive and learn what buttons are important in some cabinets.

The elections in Montenegro in Serbia were watched more closely than the local elections. The results, as always, divided us. Some mourn the departure of the pro-European Milo and lament the return of Montenegro to the Middle Ages, while others rejoice at the fall of the dictator after 30 years of rule and eventual freedom. As Orthodox Montenegrins from Cetinje, let’s solve our dilemma: who is right?

As we live in a society in which everyone is a nervous patient and convinced that he knows everything and understands everything, we happen to be overwhelmed by various theories that predict apocalypse, betrayal, the flourishing of democracy, peace, brotherhood, harmony, equality, annexation to Serbia, preservation of holy places, disintegration of the coalition that won power, espionage of the secrets of the NATO pact to Russia, return to power of the DPS, etc. Oddly enough, everyone is probably right because people live in different worlds. If you take into account how many people in the Balkans claim to be nice guys to war criminals, chauvinists, war profiteers, state property looters, kidnappers, tycoons who got rich under strange circumstances, charlatans, reality stars, and other friends picturesque, you will understand is that the only solution is to go to Finland or join the Slovenian Bar Association. As Montenegrins from Cetinje, we are sure of one thing, if you don’t give your dog fluids for a while, it can die suddenly.

In a conversation with a mutual acquaintance, I asked him what the Buks’ options were. He told me: civil, not for Milo or for lithium. How is that possible? We do not know of such an option.

We had time to learn that if you want to deal with what we do, ranking both sides is disastrous because it obscures your view. But, besides that, the label and classification of this or that side are waiting for you. But that is less important than the fact that we live in a deeply divided society in which the most important thing is whether you are Montenegrin, Serbian, Muslim… and to which political option you belong. He even goes so far as to say that a part of the people belonging to the Serbian body with great energy and with astonishing enthusiasm and certainty affirms that Montenegrins do not exist. When you come across this type of madness, it becomes irrelevant if you are for Mila or, as you said, for litigation, because whoever prevails is aware that madness is put as the main thing. When we say that, we do not mean that the nation or the tradition is not important, but in Montenegro, and it would be said in the Balkans in general, people talk about it as if it were, excuse me, buying gum in a tobacconist. Still, when people are crazy, the sun is more beautiful than the mineral.

In your opinion, why did the Milo Djukanovic regime fall after 30 years? What motivated voters to go out to vote to such an extent?

Besides the fact that it was completely clear that due to the long tenure in power and largely due to the complete autism of the ruling elite, changes had to take place, arrogance, corruption, ignorance and selective justice certainly contributed to this. But it is especially interesting that much of the energy of the people was accumulated precisely because of the discontent of the church and this tells us that you should try to borrow money from a neighbor with the observation that he will be cursed if he does not lend it to you.

Dritan Abazovic became a star overnight, a key link in the opposition chain. Do you think it will live up to expectations? What would you possibly say?

Dritan became a star for the wrong reasons. It has nothing to do with what you intend to do, and it is not an easy job that awaits you, but people’s expectations. He is a star in Serbia because they hope that he will help preserve the sanctuaries and help consolidate Serbian Montenegro (whatever that means); with a certain number of voters in Montenegro because it will allow, according to them, the transition of power until the body is consolidated, which will be strong enough not to need a “good Albanian” in the next elections; with the third because it is in the balance that decides the departure of Milo Đukanović, but there are also those who want him because he is essentially civic, free from the mortgages of the past that many of the current actors on the Montenegrin political scene have. Essentially, him, that is. his party will be someone who will try to control certain madmen in the strongest coalition bloc of the new government, and to keep the deeply divided society facing the economic crisis and pandemic on the foreign policy course that Montenegro has been following. for the past ten years. In the circumstances that we have listed, we think it will be very difficult, but we hope that, before relaunching pre-political issues of religion or nation type, they will be able to deal with a catastrophic judiciary, corruption, nepotism and similar phenomena. Montenegro. We didn’t say anything to him for the first one hundred and four days.

There is work for satirists

How do you see the future of Montenegro? Will satirists like you have enough inspiration for future work?

The future of Montenegro will be great if we understand that the only salvation is in the moderate consumption of sedatives and diclofen. This combination does not slow you down too much, it relieves pain and again you can take a taxi or sell boiled corn on the beach. It might be even better if we find the buried gold of King Nikola (we mean the four of us, not Montenegro) and it would be better to go to Finland or join the Slovenian Bar Association. When it comes to satire, there is work to be done.

New show and purchase of horses

What are you currently working on?

TBOK is currently in the preparation phase of the new season of Antena M radio programs, which traditionally begins in October. We are also working to convert one of the four of us to Catholicism, and hope to purchase a horse by the end of the year.

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