WE HAVE TWO KEY WEEKS AGAIN Yes, this sentence is still relevant, why it is so and what you need to know


“The next two weeks are crucial.” This phrase, in a way, marked the course of the epidemic in Serbia so far. Government crisis staff members said so many times that citizens had the impression that, in fact, there was not one that was not “crucial.” However, it seems that the time has come for this now famous phrase. let’s repeat one more time. And finally “send” the virus crowns with it.

We have two crucial weeks ahead. And because

Two days after the lifting of the state of emergency in our country, life suddenly “exploded.” If there were no masks on the faces of large numbers of citizens who, just one day after the lifting of the state of emergency, rushed to do everything they couldn’t do for us for almost two months, one would think that the vicious virus has completely disappeared. In fact, the situation is different.

The epidemic is on the decline and has weakened significantly, but the virus itself is not, and it’s dangerous enough to cause us headaches even during its “last shakes,” slated for the next two weeks. And that is the reason why we can say that they are crucial.

Kon: Everything we did before the state of emergency ended, we should continue doingPhoto: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug
Kon: Everything we did before the state of emergency ended, we should continue doing

The increase in the number of contacts made by the citizens of Serbia will be recorded from the day, and the danger that the virus brings is still there.

This is the main reason why experts, even after the measures have been relaxed, receive a large number of warnings that responsibility and discipline must be on the same level as during the state of emergency.

– The fact that the virus is still present is reason enough for us to be very careful in the coming period. Everything we did before the state of emergency was resolved, we should continue to do: the head of crisis staff of the Serbian government, the epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon, told “Blic”.

Increased number of patients after mitigation of measures.

There has been an increase in the number of patients in some countries after the measures introduced in the fight against the coronavirus were mitigated.

In several US federal states, there was an increase in the number of those infected, as well as those who died, even after authorities, after a significantly better epidemiological picture, “relaxed” with the measures.

With thousands of new deaths and an increase in the number of infected people in various states, President Donald Trump changed his mind, just 24 hours after announcing that he plans to gradually abolish the crown virus task force. A similar situation, a slight increase in the number of patients after relaxation was recorded in Singapore as well as in Germany.

“End of the first half”

The contacts, which are now carried out to a greater extent, mainly on public transport, which began on Friday for all citizens, and indoors, as well as in collectives, such as kindergartens, which start operating on Monday, create the danger of transmitting the virus.

– Responsibility must be at the level it was at and while the state of emergency lasted. Contacts should be avoided, especially people over the age of 65, children now go to kindergartens and may be carriers of the virus, says Dr. Kon.

Dr. Branislav TiodorovicPhoto: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug
Dr. Branislav Tiodorovic

Epidemiologist Branislav Tiodorović warned yesterday that the virus has not weakened, but also stated that the epidemic is weak and that fewer people have signs of the disease, and that the lifting of the state of emergency did not lift the emergency measures.

He told “TV Prva” that there were fewer sources of infection and described the situation as the end of the first half.

– But, we have to wait the second half, we have to see in June what will happen, if we will be as durable as in the sport, and then we can really beat that difficult and terrible opponent – said Tiodrović.

After the tenth week, there are no daily infections.

Epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon explained to “Blic” that if we adhere to the measures prescribed by crisis personnel in the following period, after the end of the tenth week, we will not register new cases every day.

– In the next week, when the employees go to work, we have to be additionally disciplined. Now we are coming out of the ninth week, the tenth remains, after which there should be no more daily detection of the infected, he explains.

– The measures that we leave in force even after the state of emergency must be respected. There are no negotiations on that, emphasizes Dr. Kon.

Public transport: a potential danger

Public transport in Belgrade has been renewed today, and unlike the original decision on gradual, phased return, it can be used by all citizens, not just employees. This creates a danger because, in addition to citizens, the corona virus will also be “transported” by bus.

– The place where there will be the greatest possibility of new infections in the coming days is public transport, where there will be a greater circulation of citizens. People just have to go to work, they have no other way to come. Also, children whose parents must take them to kindergarten will be transported, Kon adds.

– We will monitor the development of the situation and, if the situation worsens, we will warn citizens in time – concludes Dr. Kon.

Important phones

Special number of the Ministry of Health for matters related to the corona virus: 064 8945 235.

Serbian Institute of Public Health “Dr. Milan Jovanović Batut”: 011 2684 566

Let us be responsible to ourselves and to others

To allow faster and more efficient communication between citizens and the competent epidemiological services, the Ministry of Health has introduced 20 additional telephone numbers for all information on the coronavirus.

The Ministry of Health has opened 10 additional numbers, and through the same link you can contact the phone numbers of all health centers throughout Serbia.

Unique contact center opened for Kovid 19-199819

Notification activation paragraph test

