WE HAVE REACHED THE BOTTOM! Images of NAKED PATIENTS from the Arena circulate on social networks (PHOTO)


The scandalous video of a nude patient suffering from kovid has started to spread on social media!

These photos are massively shared on the social network Instagram, from the Belgrade Arena, which switched back to the kovid system in October, and in them is the naked patient.

The photos mentioned were probably taken from video surveillance cameras at this temporary covid hospital, which is wrong in many ways. And the question arises: who will be responsible for that?

The images show a woman, more precisely a patient, who was placed in the Arena for the presence of a coronavirus. In the disputed photo, she is sitting on the bed in a bra, and in the next she is naked to the waist.

photo: Social networks

These photos reached the public without the face and identity of this woman being protected. The person responsible for that, as if he did not even think that the woman was the daughter, the mother of someone … After all, have we sunk so deeply as a society that images of sick patients in or without underwear are shared as something completely normal?

By the way, in the words of the Arena coordinator, Dr. Vlado Batnožić, the heaviest patients with unilateral or bilateral pneumonia are mostly housed in this temporary hospital.

So the woman in the photo is in the Belgrade Arena to preserve her health, and not for someone to photograph her naked and then release those images publicly.

It has long been clear that primitivism has occupied all spheres of life. The comments to this post attest to this, and these are just some of them:

“Where is that crown for me to breathe?”, “There they put it to attract it and be healthy”, “It swelled from the crown”, “No wonder I breathe hard”.

We have reached the fringes of humanity and more as if nobody cares. Slowly but surely, we are becoming a disenfranchised mass that is destroying other people’s lives because it is too sad to deal with its own.


delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
