We have proposed to shorten the working hours of the premises to 18 HOURS


Crisis staff member Dr. Srđa Janković said this morning that one of the proposals was to shorten the bar’s working hours to 6pm

– Potentially stricter measures could be to shorten the entertainment establishment’s working hours. Now the bars are open until 11 at night, and we have proposed that the working hours be reduced to 6 in the afternoon. However, let us remind you that the measure to wear masks inside the bar is already in force – said the immunologist and member of the Crisis Staff, Dr. Srdja Janković.

He added in a guest appearance on the RTS morning show that there is a possibility of introducing more stringent measures, but that we shouldn’t think about it in the first place.

Dr. Srdja Jankovic Photo: Vladimir Živojinović / RAS Serbia

Dr. Srdja Jankovic

– Measures can potentially tighten up, but that is now on the back burner. Now it is in the foreground to respect the measures we already have. If we don’t do that, it will only get worse – said Dr. Janković.

He also referred to the reforms to the Law for the Protection of the Population from Infectious Diseases and said that he does not see anything controversial in that law because “any punishment is lighter than how a virus can punish us.

– These changes were necessary to respect the implementation of the law. I don’t think there is anything controversial about it. For me, there is nothing questionable from the ethical point of view either – he said.

It takes a night of balance with measurements

When asked why we don’t have some more drastic preventive measures when we have the most serious epidemiological situation, and we had the whole country shut down when the situation was much more favorable, Dr. Janković replied that they are trying to find a balance.

– If we stop all life and the economy, it is again a threat to human life and health. It takes a night of balance with measurements. At first we did not know how long this would last, we thought that after the first wave we would have fewer patients, now a model is being sought everywhere to achieve balance – explained the immunologist.

For days, Belgrade has been the main focus of the corona virus and has more than 1,000 people infected every day, and the news has resounded that all the capacities have been fulfilled to accommodate new patients in the capital. However, Dr. Janković says that the medical system is not yet overloaded.

Srdja jankovicPhoto: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug

Srdja jankovic

– If we do not alleviate the system by stopping the epidemic, we will have a scenario as it was in some countries of the first wave. For now, the system is not overloaded thanks to the fact that we can send patients to centers in the capital – he said.

At the end of the conversation, a member of the crisis staff once again called on citizens to adhere to all prescribed measures, wear masks and keep their distance.

– Our strongest tool is to prevent someone from getting infected, that would be ideal, but it is also our weak point because not everyone thinks that way – said Dr. Janković.

Video: Simptomi korone
