We have 30 percent more patients with a heart attack since the crown began


We have 30 percent more patients with a heart attack, that is, an intervention in an acute heart attack, than before the covid. The reason for that is that many hospitals have become covid, so they do not treat other patients, but also the fear that people will go to the hospital when they feel difficulties, for fear that they will give them a crown – says prof de Kurir. Dr. Arsen Ristic, cardiologist, deputy director of the Cardiology Clinic of the Serbian Clinical Center.

Have your coronary units been overcrowded since the crown began?

– That is not the case only in Serbia, but all over the world. If you have reserved part of the healthcare system for kovid, it is inevitable that other hospitals will have to take over their role at kovid. There are roughly thirty percent more heart attack patients at our institution, and that probably applies to everyone else as well.

In this chaos and misery, can we find a solution for all those people who do not have covid, so that, for example, there is no heart attack?

– There is a solution for them and they are cared for as they would otherwise be cared for. The essence is that people should not doubt if they have chest pain, suffocation, some great discomfort. They must report to the nearest regular hospital. People are often afraid of receiving a crown if they go to the hospital. And it has also been detected in various parts of the world, that people call late because they are afraid of being infected in the hospital.

And how many heart attacks do we have as a result of the covidus itself?

– It’s already rare, but it can damage the blood vessels of the heart, leading to a heart attack. But it is much less common than inflammation of the heart muscle itself.

And inflammation of the heart muscle or mcarditis are common due to the crown.

– About 20 percent of covid patients also suffer from myocarditis. And that’s a real value, considering how the virus and covid interfere with the function of the cardiovascular system in a number of ways.

How does kovid simply affect the heart?

– Kovid causes pneumonia first. But it can cause, like some other viruses, like the flu or herpes and fifteen others, and inflammation of the heart muscle, damage to the inner layer of the blood vessels, which is complicated by the formation of blood clots in the blood vessels. When pneumonia is violent, gas exchange in the lungs is difficult and that low level of oxygen in the circulation overloads the heart. And especially poorly tolerated by people who have a previous heart disease, such as a heart attack or heart failure. That twenty percent of people who also suffer from inflammation of the heart muscle do not have to have it in the initial phase of the infection. It can occur two to three weeks to two to three months after the initial illness. We recently had a very serious young patient in the Emergency Center whose heart failure worsened after a month of covid. This is relatively common. We had a lot of people recovering really well from that. And there are, of course, patients, especially those who previously had heart disease, who did not survive.

Did that Urgent patient survive?

– He survived, but that’s something that has been happening since we have kovid 19 and a shadow more often than before. Kovid is a more widespread disease and that is why we inevitably have more people who have serious heart complications with corona than with other viruses that affect a much smaller population.

photo: Marina Lopicic

Does the fact that myocarditis can occur even two to three months after the crown mean that everyone should have cardiac exams after covid?

– Myocarditis occurs most often in the immediate post-acute infection phase, two to four weeks after COVID, and two to three months is an exception. For people who do not have any problems, there are no international recommendations that say that they should undergo a cardiological examination a month or three months after the covid. That does not exist even in the richest countries of the world. But everyone with new and additional problems should be screened. Someone who gets very tired a few weeks after a miscarriage or has new arrhythmias, has swollen legs, has new heart failure, is short of breath on exertion, should definitely come in for an exam.

And under normal circumstances, almost every other citizen is under pressure. How is the time of the crown?

– The fact is that we have a greater number of patients who have problems regulating pressure. And because of the sudden cold, but also because people are still afraid and stressed. Their lives have changed in many segments.

Do we know what that percentage of people is?

– I don’t know the numbers, but in my practice there are many people who have much less regulated pressure.

Are there many of them with dire consequences? A hit? – Certainly yes, but I can not say anything about it, but neurologists, who deal with stroke. But there are also patients who go for emergency cardiac exams because their pressure is poorly regulated.

Against coagulation

Nothing can 100 percent prevent thrombosis

Thrombi are a major complication of the crown. How important is anticoagulation therapy?

– It is one of the complications of kovid easier to prevent if you already have a violent inflammation and risk of blood clots. Anticoagulant drugs are widely available. In hospital conditions, these are usually injections that are administered subcutaneously, and for those at home, there are several types of tablets. However, this therapy cannot 100% guarantee that it will prevent blood clots and more serious complications, including pulmonary embolism. But, in any case, it significantly reduces the risk and is widely used in all of our hospitals.

Not only

Aspirin can bleed too

Many now take aspirin on their own.

– Aspirin prevents platelets from sticking, but there is no point in taking it on your own. The decision should be left to the doctors.

Can it hurt if someone takes it alone? – If there is an ulcer or any other reason for bleeding, it may bleed.

JS Spasić

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Author: delivery courier
