WE HAVE 16 MORE DAYS UNTIL THE END OF FEBRUARY: RHMZ announced when exactly it will snow and when it will rain


WE HAVE 16 MORE DAYS UNTIL THE END OF FEBRUARY: RHMZ announced when exactly it will snow and when it will rain - DO NOT DESPITE, THERE WILL BE DRY DAYS (PHOTO)

Photo: Ana Paunković, Printscreen

Winter shows its teeth roughly and has no intention of kneeling, judging by the announcements from the Hydrometeorological Institute of the Republic of Serbia.

RHMZ also announced a severe winter hit for the weekend, and the chances of it wearing off early next week are very small.

The forecast for the end of the month, from day to day, ending on February 28, was published on the RHMZ website.

If his presentation for this month is to be believed, we have seven more days of snow ahead of us, and those days will generally not be continuous.

The map also shows that there will be those days when snow will alternate with rain.

And those few dry days ahead of us this month, and certainly few, will be ruined by the wind.

Weather in February
photo: Print screen / RHMZ

Definitely, winter decided to give us the last blows, when it already saved us in January.

So don’t put away your coats and umbrellas, we’ll need them, at least until the end of this month, if not longer.


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Author: delivery courier
