17.09.2020. 08:13 – 17.09.2020. 08:39
Fitore Pacolli, a member of the Self-Determination Movement, criticized Kosovo Prime Minister Avdulah Hoti.

Avdulah Hoti, Photo: Tanjug / AP
He noted that the agreement in WashingtonEspecially issue 15, which is related to the moratorium, Kosovo actually renounced its “statehood”, reports Koha.
“This obligation has highlighted the willingness of this illegitimate government to suspend membership in international organizations. This moratorium will harm Kosovo. The penultimate point of the agreement states that. We have an illegal prime minister who violated the Constitution. It is an unprecedented act. “Fitore Pacolli said. .
He pointed out that there is no state that has decided to ban Kosovo’s activities to be a member of international organizations, and that there is no example in the world of a country voluntarily renouncing membership, as is the case of being a member of the WHO. and UNESCO, which is just one of the controversial points of the agreement in Washington.
“The process of strengthening Kosovo for membership has been downgraded, even membership with footnotes. As we are now, it seems to have completely given up. First, the number of Kosovo members was reduced by a footnote. to the foot and Kosovo was blocked in many dimensions. Kosova it exceeds Kosovo’s interests, “Fitore Pacolli said.
As she said, the Serbian campaign continues. According to her, there was no guarantee that Serbia would stop. “It is the surrender of Kosovo to Serbia,” she said.
His party colleague Enver Dugoli also called Hoti’s government “ignorant”.
“This government is lost, it is ignorant and extremely damaging. They are trying to put citizens to sleep by talking about membership in NATO. Hoti signed a promise in Washington that he will not join various organizations, and it seems that the current government does not even know that NATO is also an international organization, “said Dugoli, adding that this government seems to be less interested in membership.
He concludes that, “the agreement not only does not bring us closer, but, as it affirms,” it actually only distances us from the international community. “