“WE FIND HER IN BRUISES, WITH CAUSES” A young woman saved her mother from a violent partner


In the last two months, the Judicial Branch of Prijedor has ordered two urgent measures to protect victims of domestic violence, which is more than in the whole of last year, when out of 159 registered cases of domestic violence, only one measure of protection or 0.62 percent of all cases. , data from the Prijedor Social Work Center.

– A younger woman came to the Prijedor Social Work Center. She reported that her mother had a new and troubled partner, that she sounded strange when heard on the phone, that they had not seen each other for a while, that she did not know where her mother was, and that she suspected that the man she was in a relationship with was abusing. that the mother wants to hide it from him. We found the mother. He was at the address where he occasionally did housework. We found her bruised, with black bruises under her eyes, the Center’s social worker, Mariana Stanić, told Srna.

At first, the woman refused to report her partner and did not want medical help. With the support of a social worker and a psychologist, she gradually became stronger and until now she has been able to resist the calls and pressures from her partner to give up, withdraw the request and continue the relationship.

– Another recent example is that of a man who, after a divorce, tried to regain control of his ex-wife’s life by abusing his own son, over whom the mother received custody, and who in the meantime established a new relationship in abroad. He posed such serious threats to her life that she was afraid to travel to Prijedor, so she came to us for help. Thanks to the screenshots of the messages in which he threatened her with a timely reaction and action, we were able to provide her protection, and the father was able to see the girl in a controlled environment, on the premises of the Center for Social Work – says Stanić.

In both cases, the perpetrators were prohibited from approaching the victim within 200 meters and the victim was prohibited from harassing for 30 days. These are urgent protection measures that are imposed within 24 hours.
