We expected the sun to kill the crown, but there was more!



04/30/2020 23:33 – 04/30/2020. 23:41

We have learned a lot about this unknown virus.

Darija Kisic Tepavcevic

Darija Kisic Tepavcevic, Photo: RTS / Print screen

Dr. Darija Kisić Tepavčević, member of the Crisis Headquarters for the Suppression of the Corona Virus, says that we have more and more indicators that the activity of the virus has decreased in our population, but that it can always find the way to a sensitive person, so everyone should act as if they were potential reservoirs of the virus.

Dr. Darija Kisic Tepavcevic He tells RTS that during this time we all learned a lot about the corona virus.

– We have learned what preventive measures are and how they give effect. At first, when we were strictly talking about washing our hands, about physical distance, everyone received it with skepticism and asked if in the 21st century we had nothing better to offer as a form of prevention, and we saw that it saves lives – says Dr. Kisić Tepavčević

He says it would be great to have a specific vaccine and cure for corona virus, but we don’t have one, so we must rely on general preventive measures that have turned out well

Darija Kisic Tepavcevic

Darija Kisic Tepavcevic, Photo: RTS / Print screen

– Life has to continue, but we absolutely have to think about this virus, regardless of the fact that all the indicators are positive for the epidemiological situation. We must be aware that this virus is circulating in our population and that it can reach a sensitive person, warns Dr. Kepic Tepavcevic.

Dr. Kisic Tepavcevic says asymptomatic carriers have been found to transmit the infection, but to a lesser extent than people with severe symptoms. He claims that everyone should act as if they are a potential reservoir of infection.


Seniors, Photo: Alo.rs/ Nenad Vujanovic

– Now is the time of year when the chance of drip infections is reduced and there are generally fewer flu-like illnesses. We had hoped that the warm weather would cause the virus to disappear, but the southern hemisphere and Australia show that cases are still occurring there, says Dr. Kepic Tepavcevic.

He notes that a specific combination of environmental factors is required for the virus to disappear quickly.

– It is a temperature above 25 degrees Celsius and a humidity above 20 percent, and even with a certain combination of UV rays it can disappear in a few minutes. However, this is not something we should trust. We must also contribute to that, emphasizes Dr. Kisić Tepavčević.
