WE DISCOVER The Crisis Team has decided to STRENGTHEN THE PUNISHMENT, the laws will be changed, here is who will be the FIRST TO BE ATTACKED


In Serbia, a more severe punishment will begin for non-compliance with epidemiological measures, so the Assembly of Serbia will pass amendments to certain laws at its first regular session.

Thus, in the future, not wearing masks, indoors, would be fined 5,000 dinars, but on the spot, without a judicial process, as is the case today, “Blic” has known.

The Crisis Staff today, we remind you, completely unexpectedly, did not make any decision about the introduction of new measures in the fight against the coronavirus epidemic, although yesterday the members of that body announced that one of them would be the introduction of a mandatory PCR test to enter our country.

Masks are mandatory on public transport.Photo: Milan Ilic / RAS Serbia

Masks are mandatory on public transport

After considering the current epidemiological situation in our country, the Crisis Staff said today that all the previous measures in the fight against the coronavirus will have to be applied more drastically.

– This time we did not bring new measures, nor do we reinforce existing ones, but we only insist that the measures be respected and that everything be rigorously implemented – said the immunologist Dr. Srdja Jankovic after the Crisis Staff session and added that it is being working within the legal framework.

Mandatory penalty for not wearing masks

As we have learned, the Crisis Team today adopted the proposal that was discussed in the previous session, and about what “Blic” has already written, and that is to enable the punishment for fouls for those who do not wear masks by modifying the law.

That is, as we wrote, the Serbian Assembly should approve amendments to the Misdemeanor Act at the next session, as well as amendments to the Infectious Diseases Act, which would consider violation of the measure of wearing masks as a misdemeanor and punish with a mandatory penalty.

This means that they would be pronounced on the spot, there would be no judicial process as it is now and, as we discovered, the fine would be 5,000 dinars.

In addition, crisis staff said today that labor organizations should more strictly implement existing measures against the corona virus epidemic.

Drastic increase in the number of infected

The Crisis Staff today called an emergency session due to the worsening of the epidemiological situation. Yesterday, we registered a record number of infected people in Serbia since the crown appeared in our country: in 24 hours, up to 512 cases!

Before that, we had more at the peak of the second coronavirus wave in Serbia: July 26, 467.

Epidemiologists warn that the situation in Serbia is alarming and that the virus is transmitted mainly due to celebrations, parties, jubilation and lack of respect for basic epidemiological measures.

VIDEO: Party at Knez Mihailova
