WE DISCOVER Schools are moving ONLINE, but not all students! Here is the option that is on the table, WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO KIDS GARDENS, what will happen to elementary students and what will happen to high school and college students


School classes could, due to the worsening epidemiological situation, undergo certain changes. Several options are being considered, the safest of which is that currently the oldest classes are online, and the youngest still go to class in the classroom, “Blic” has learned.

Based on our information, the final decision has yet to be made and should definitely be cut on Monday. By the way, the Government of Serbia today adopted new measures, among which is the shortening of restoration work, cafeterias and shopping centers, work from home, a ban on bringing together more than five people … it will start on Tuesday of next week.

As far as school institutions are concerned, as things stand now, the dilemma remains whether the oldest grades of primary schools should go online, that is, from the fifth grade. Under the current idea, high schools and universities would be online.


The youngest from first to fourth would still go to classrooms. The kindergartens are still open.

Although all of these models are being considered, currently no one can say with certainty from the Crisis Staff decision that the decision will not be postponed.

If the selective transition measure is taken online, it will be limited to ten or 15 days.


Photo: O. Bunić / RAS Serbia


The transition to younger classes is difficult for both families and the state because the parents are at work and there is no one to take care of the children. However, on the other hand, according to the latest data, more and more schools are switching to the Internet.


Vrbas was the first to do that a few days ago, in which all educational institutions went from home to class. Some schools in Nis are online, and in Dimitrovgrad and Paracin for now only secondary schools.

The problem is not only the illness of the students but also of the teachers. For example, in Nis, in three large schools, each of which has more than a thousand students, there are teachers confirmed to be infected with the corona virus. A few days ago, that number was more than ten in all schools.

Some municipalities, such as Bela Palanka, have declared a state of emergency, but the schools continue to function and classes are being attended.


According to the latest data, from October 30 until yesterday, 1,348 primary school students and 1,277 high school students became ill.

As for employees in primary schools, 1,607 of them fell ill, while in secondary schools it is about 648 employees.

In preschool institutions, 68 children were in bed or have covid, while there are 588 employees.

Although the numbers are not individual, in percentage terms it is still a small number. Unlike the teachers and other staff, the students have not yet passed one percent.

The transmission of the virus is, in percentage terms, the least registered in schools, but the problem that must be taken into account is that the number of patients is growing day by day.
