We discharge a patient who spent 41 DAYS WITH A RESPIRATOR (VIDEO)


Dr. Darija Kisić Tepavčević stated today that currently 530 coronavirus patients are being hospitalized in hospitals across Serbia.

Today, a total of 579 patients have been confirmed: in Belgrade the largest number, 286 or a total of 49 percent, in Kragujevac 40 or seven percent of the total number of patients, Novi Sad 18, Sabac 17, Prejpolje 16, Valjevo 14, Nis 13, Bor 11 …


At the press conference in recent days, Dr. Kisić added that of the total number, about 15 percent request hospitalization.

– If we look at how many we are laying off, we are in the plus of 30-40 hospital beds. Then we release more than we receive the patient – he said.

As he added, all municipalities have confirmed laboratory-confirmed cases, which means that there are infected people throughout our country.

darija kisićPhoto: screenshot

darija kisić

– Approximately 15 percent of those infected require hospitalization. About 85% of those infected are in the age group up to 60, he said.

He stated that, when it comes to risk behaviors, the distribution by age groups tells us that the most risky are the healthy population and the youngest.

– Our older fellow citizens must be a role model, who are aware that they are at the greatest risk and act with conscience and responsibility. Koa and the younger ones where there was no transmission, except sporadic cases. The situation in schools is stable – he said

In treating ten children, a patient who spent 41 days on a ventilator was discharged.

Right now, ten children and six mothers are being treated at Dragiša Mišović Hospital, while currently there are no pregnant women gained, said Dr. Darija Kisić Tepavčević.

In the words of the director of KBC Bežanijska Kosa, Marija Zdravković, “a patient who spent 41 days on a ventilator was discharged today.”

– We have a total of 155 patients today at KBC Bežanijska kosa. Most of them have a moderate health condition and all are recovering well. Today we discharge a patient who had spent 41 days on a ventilator. 14 are in intensive care, of which 6 are on a ventilator, he said.

Dr. Zdravković added that Serbia is a bright spot on the map of Europe and we are trying to keep it that way, even though all the numbers scare us.

– On June 23, we became a covid hospital and most of the patients had bilateral pneumonia and quickly got to the ventilator. We do not know if there will be an increase in these more serious cases – he added.

Cross-section of patients by cities in the period from October 17 to 23

Belgrade 1,185

Kragujevac 126

Valjevo 97

Novi Sad 76

Nis 54

Kraljevo 51

Vranje 44

Prijepolje 39

Trstenik 37

Sabac 33

Aleksandrovac 32

Loznica 29

Kruševac 26

Bor 24

Prokuplje 23
