Today, the Serbian Orthodox Church and its believers mark the feast of the Intercession of the Blessed Mother of God as a memorial to the church’s event when the Mother of God appeared to the people gathered to pray during the service.
The Church has always celebrated the Blessed Mother of God as the patron and protector of Christians, who with her prayers appeases God with sinners.
She has helped people and nations countless times in war and peace, and everywhere in trouble. The event that the church celebrates occurred on October 14, 911, in the time of Emperor Leo the Wise (Philosopher).
There was a night vigil at the Church of the Mother of God Vlaherna in Constantinople. The church was full of people, and somewhere in the background was Saint Andrew the Fool with his disciple Epiphanius.
At four in the midnight, he saw Saint Andrew, the Blessed Mother of God, with the omophorion spread over the town, as if covering the town with those clothes. She was dressed in golden porphyry and shone surrounded by apostles, saints, martyrs, and virgins.
Saint Andrew pointed to Epiphanius and asked him if he also saw “the Empress and the Lady, praying for the whole world”, which Epiphanius confirmed with amazement.
The shroud of the Blessed Mother of God is her omophorion (blanket) that she spread over the Christians.
On the occasion of that event, a celebration was introduced, to remember that moment and the constant patronage of the Blessed Mother of God whenever the faithful ask her to pray.
Many women who do not have children fast in front of the Shrouds to receive communion on the feast day and pray that they will be given a child, and those who do have pray to the Mother of God for their health. The feast is celebrated by women to facilitate childbirth and raising children.
All who believe in the Mother of God and mark the Protection of the Blessed Mother of God on this day should say the words: “Rejoice in our Joy and cover us from all evil with your honorable omophorion.” When the Mother of God covers herself with her veil, he becomes invisible to evil spirits and evil spirits.

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