WE CELEBRATE THE GREAT HOLY! Dedicate this day to your parents, but don’t do this


Today, the Serbian Orthodox Church celebrates Saint Alexius of Rome, a saint who is also known as the “Man of God”. His cult was very strong, both among Eastern and Western Christians.

Saint Alexius was born during the reign of the Emperor Honorius in Rome, in a very rich and respectable family. Regardless of the wealth they had, his parents were very pious people, who, apart from Alexis, had no other children.

Saint Alejo is a man of God
photo: print screen

Alexios was soon married, but on the first night of their marriage he escaped and began to roam the Roman Empire and spread Christianity. Thus he passed 17 years of his life, and then the ship he was traveling in veered off the road due to strong winds and ended up in Rome. Alexije took that as a sign, so he went to see his parents. They did not recognize him, but allowed him to live in their backyard. He spent the rest of his life with his parents, constantly praying to God.

Christians believe that the day that Saint Alexius of Rome passed away in the Church of the Holy Apostles, a voice was heard telling them to “seek the man of God.” A little later, it became known that the man was a beggar living in the courtyard of a wealthy family, and when the emperor and his entourage arrived at Alexis’s hut, everything was discovered.

Protector of beggars and travelers

The memory of Saint Alexius of Rome is respected by both Christian churches, although over time it became much more famous in the East. Saint Alejo is considered the protector of beggars, travelers, paramedics, pilgrims and nannies.

People say that the “Man of God” takes care of all the poor and unhappy and that, on this day, it is not good to kick a beggar out the door or deny him alms because this will insult the saint. .

The saint was found dead, but legend has it that his face “shone like the sun.” He had a paper in his hand on which, just before he died, he wrote down the story of his life. From there, his parents and his wife, who waited for him all the time, found out who the beggar really was when they welcomed him into their home.

There was great pain, but the San Alejo family was soon comforted by seeing the miracles that, according to tradition, the “man of God” performed even after death. That is, Christians believe that many sick people were cured by touching his body and that holy myrrh came from the body of Saint Alexius. He was buried in a marble and emerald coffin. His head is in the Holy Lavra in the Peloponnese.


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Author: delivery courier
