We can only imagine what his mother is like


Everyone wanted to help, many people donated fur … Terrible … Poor mother.

With these words, the residents of the building on Visokog Stevana street in Dorćol speak of the tragic death of Minja D., 15, who, after a month of fighting for her life, died in hospital due to the fire that broke out in the apartment where he lived with his mother.

Fifteen-year-old Minja was in the bathroom at the time of the fire, and when she came out, it had already spread throughout the apartment. The girl had nowhere to go, so she ran to the terrace from where she called out for help. As the apartment in which the fire broke out is located on the 10th floor of the building, it was not easy to reach Minja, and the fire broke out through the terrace windows, and the girl was crying in pain from the terrible burns she suffered.

VIDEO Incredible action to rescue Minja from a terrible fire:

Minji was the first to come to the aid of the workers of a nearby construction site, they managed to enter the apartment below her, and from the terrace, with an incredible heroic feat, they rescued a teenage girl who literally threw herself at the hands of her rescuers. The ambulance rushed her immediately to the hospital and the fight for her life lasted a month. Due to the dangerous burns that affected a large part of Mina’s body, she underwent five operations, her skin was donated, but the girl’s condition suddenly worsened and yesterday she succumbed to her injuries.

Heroes managed to get Minja out of the burning apartment, but the girl passed away after a month of fighting for her life.

Photo: screenshot

Heroes managed to get Minja out of the burning apartment, but the girl passed away after a month of fighting for her life.

The residents of the building are deeply moved by the tragic news and cannot believe that Minja could not bear it …

– This morning I thought “God, my daughter was not at home” … My daughter opened the door to the painters and they saved her from our terrace. “Who knows what would have happened” if it hadn’t happened like this … And then we hear that she passed away … sadness – says in a low voice a neighbor from the ninth floor of the lonely one.

Another neighbor agreed with her, who, as he says, was present when the fire broke out. He says he raised the alarm, saw the rescue of the girl …

– I was fixing something around the car and suddenly I heard Minja from the terrace yelling “help, help!” I quickly set off the alarms in the building so that all the tenants would know, and then the workers came from the neighboring construction site and came to the rescue. Every part of them, but it is sad that the girl passed away. We all hoped that he would recover … Many people got involved to help – he says.

Workers working to renovate the apartment where the fire broke out heard from journalists that the girl succumbed to her injuries. Nor could they hide their sadness at this shocking news …

– We can only imagine what it is for the mother … We were convinced that everything would be fine and that they could continue with their life in this department – said one of the workers.

Photo: Vladimir Šporčić / RAS Serbia

“We were hoping that the amount of goodness people would save her …”

Ivona Stojanović, a friend of Minja’s mother and one of the main promoters of the fundraising action for Minja, deeply believed that the girl would fight.

– I was hoping that the amount of kindness and energy from good people and herself, which was positive, would help her recover, however … Last night Mina’s mother told me that her condition had worsened, but not I know exactly why. Everyone who knew her was in shock and we can’t believe that everything went well and that it ended like this – Ivona said for “Blic”.
