“WE CAN BOY THE COUPLERS so … we drag the willows.” Jeremic’s party vice president was CONFUSED by Tadic’s proposal


The playwright Sinisa Kovacevic, vice president of the Popular Party and one of Vuk Jeremic’s closest associates, reacted tonight to the proposal by former Serbian president and SDS leader Boris Tadic that the opposition should join and go to the polls in a list called “Boycott List”. .

“I am confused by Mr. Tadic’s proposal. Literally confused. Because of his recklessness, contradiction, non-recognition of the political moment, lack of anticipation. This guarantees that nobody will go to parliament after the elections.” on his Twitter account.

Director Srdjan Dragojevic added to that.

“Tadic’s idea works if there are only people on that list who will never enter parliament. Recognized people, scientists, creators. Not a single politician who can change his mind for whatever reason,” Dragojevic wrote.

It must be remembered that Tadic presented the details of the meeting with other opposition leaders during his guest appearance on H1 television yesterday.

– I proposed a compromise solution – for the united opposition to go to the polls on a list that would be called the “Boycott List.” The parties would make it clear that they will not participate in the work of parliament, but also that they are against the Vučić government, Tadić said, among other things, adding that it was an extension of the boycott.

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Boris Tadic

Boris Tadic added that the conditions for political struggle are worse.

– We had a pandemic process. Aleksandar Vučić, Ana Brnabić and others used it for a brutal political campaign. It was similar only in Poland. There are no conditions for mass meetings, and a political campaign involves handshaking, exchanging opinions, gathering people. Vučić did not take the opportunity to behave normally, but that is in line with his political coherence. That is why my proposal was a middle ground, trying to unite the opposition. If Vučić stays, it will be a government with the obedience of the citizens. It is a much worse solution to divide the opposition on this issue. The worst decision is the disunity of the opposition. I am not saying that we will participate in the elections, that we will boycott the elections, but that we will be the political option that will preserve unity, Tadic said.

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