Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić posted a video on the “avucic” Instagram page about Serbia’s economic progress, with the message “We can, and we do, for Serbia and all our children.”
In the video in which, among other things, different personnel change, from construction sites, from factories, built roads, Vučić affirms that after many years we managed to create a new paradigm, which is called faith in success, in progress. from Serbia, where we can be among the best in Europe.
“If you look at the last quarter of last year, and if you look at the first quarter of this year, Serbia is number one in Europe,” Vucic said.
As you said, that does not mean that we live better than Germany today, but it does mean that Serbia is progressing faster than the others.
“If we use what we have wisely, we can surpass them in everything. We can only do that if we are dedicated, diligent, if we work hard, if we say: we can and we must, we are not worse than others in anything.” Vučić said.
(Kurir.rs/ Tanjug)
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