“We barely had the strength to SEE OUR SON’S KILLERS”


“We barely managed to see our son’s killers, hear his shameful defense about such a brutal beating and ultimately murder, but because of Stefan we have to endure until the end of the trial,” Nenad Filić, the father, told “Blic” of the late Stefan, an eighteen-year-old boy, was beaten to death by two young men in front of a nightclub in Velika Plana in early February.

Today a preparatory hearing in the case of Filić’s murder was held before the High Court of Smederevo, for which Nikola B. (20) and Mitar P. (20) of Velika Plana are accused.

It is suspected that Stefan was brutally beaten on February 2 of this year, in front of the “Borodolom” bar in Velika Plana. The perpetrators first attacked Filić’s younger brother and another, and then Filić intervened, wanting to separate them, but the young man’s conflict apparently escalated.

The unfortunate Stefan, a graduate of the Velika Plana Faculty of Economics, died as a result of the injuries inflicted by the perpetrators.

Mitar P.Photo: Social networks

Mitar P.

Nikola B. and Mitar P. were questioned at the Velika Plana General Prosecutor’s Office after their arrest, but were later suspected of causing serious bodily harm. However, after the death of Stefan Filić, all the circumstances of the event were considered, so the case passed to the jurisdiction of the Smederevo Superior Prosecutor’s Office, which accuses the detainees of aggravated homicide, for which they are threatened with at least ten years in prison or life imprisonment.

Nikola B.Photo: Social networks

Nikola B.

As Stefan’s father, Nenad Filić, told “Blic” at Tuesday’s trial, which was closed to the public, in addition to the accused, he, his wife, the mother of the brutally murdered young man, but also his younger brother AF, who witnessed this gruesome crime.

– The most difficult thing for us was when we had to hear some parts of the accusation that were related to the murder of our Stefan, and we did not even know them until now. The worst thing is that the youngest son had to hear all that. His defense told lies, because it is his job, but we trust our youngest son and numerous witnesses – Father Nenad told “Blic”.

The defense of the accused tried to deliver to the court a video that allegedly shows how the fight of the fateful evening was. However, as Father Nenad Filić told “Blic”, the court rejected that recording.

Nenad Filić, the father of the murdered teenagerPhoto: Oliver Bunić / RAS Serbia

Nenad Filić, the father of the murdered teenager

As he said, Nikola B. partially admitted the crime against him, while Mitar P. maintained his statement that he did not participate in the murder and denied everything.

– Nikola B. said at trial that he regretted what he had done and expressed his condolences. I have to say this, but it doesn’t mean anything to us now that our Stefan is gone. Mitar P. will not admit anything, he pretends to be crazy, that night he did nothing – said his father.

Despite all the pain that the Filić family brings with them over the loss of their eldest son, they still hope that justice will be served.

– The support of friends, family, but also the prosecutor means a lot to us, who constantly assure us that they will review everything in detail, more precisely that the perpetrators will not go unpunished – says the father.

The mother of the late Stefan barely found the strength to attend the trial.

– As a family, we fight to think about it as little as possible and to always be in obligations so that the memories do not reach us. Now, after this test, we are very upset that we will need time to recover. Our sense of life is lost, only for the youngest son we have to fight to stay strong and put him on the right path, and we can imagine what it is like for him who saw his brother killed – said the father sadly.

chronicle great plan photo of ras vladimir zivojinovic004Photo: Vladimir Živojinović / RAS Serbia

chronicle great plan photo of ras vladimir zivojinovic004

As Nenad Filić stated from the beginning of the indictment, she hopes that justice will be served and that her son’s murderers will receive the punishment they deserve.

– I hope that justice is done, I believe the prosecutors give me hope. If these thugs had been previously punished for other acts they committed, this probably would never have happened to our son – said the father.

Seven months after the loss of their son, the family still wonders why someone killed such a wonderful and peaceful child like Stefan.

– I still can’t accept the fact that our son was killed because he wanted to defuse the conflict. He asked them nicely, I don’t understand why they had to attack him afterwards. Stefan was always cheerful, he certainly did not insult them, added Nenad Filić.

It should be recalled that the indictment alleges that the young accused beat Stefan Filić several times on the head. While lying on the sidewalk, the defendant Nikola B. kicked him in the head. Police arrived two minutes later and the club’s security camera recorded the fatal event.

The custody of the defendants is extended until the next trial, which is scheduled for October 23 at the Smederevo High Court.

Support from neighbors, friends …

Although today’s trial was closed to the public, a large number of neighbors, friends and family appeared in Superior Court, who wanted to support the family of the murdered Stefan.

– Everyone entered the courtroom, no one from security treated us badly, but then the judge said that the trial was closed to the public and that we had to leave. This support certainly means a lot to us, when we know that everyone is on the side of justice, Stefan Filić’s aunt told “Blic”.
