WE ASK THE DOCTOR TO BE ADMITTED TO THE HOSPITAL: Branko Gajić, husband of the mother who lost one of the twins, mocked the doctors – “Front” denies


His wife Natasha lost a baby, the other was saved at the last minute, and the doctors also fought for the mother’s life.

Natasa was pregnant with twins, girls, and her pregnancy was in private, as her husband claims, led by Dr. Dragan Kikanović, otherwise GAK’s “Narodni Front” doctor. He was in week 34 when he felt like he was losing his sense of taste and smell. The test showed he was positive for the crown. Soon the temperature began.

– Dr. Kikanović said that he was taking antibiotics and would report the next day. Since it was getting worse, I called an ambulance. In the emergency room they told me that they did not drive patients with kovid. I also called Kovid’s ambulance, but the phone rang to no avail – says Gajić.

The next day, they called Dr. Kikanović, who gave him a gynecological exam, said the babies were fine, and sent them home. The temperature rose to 39, so Branko managed to take an ambulance to KBC “Dragiša Mišović” through a connection.

– A doctor was waiting for us there and said that Natasha had nothing to look for there, but that she had to go to the “Popular Front”. I had to chase the connection again to keep it in the “front” department for pregnant women. On the way to the hospital, the wife called Dr. Kikanović and informed him – says Branko.


ACCORDING to the GAK announcement “Frente Narodni”, Natasa arrived at this institution for the first examination on October 31, in the 35th week of pregnancy, because she complained of the sensation of amniotic fluid coming out. A complete examination was performed: ultrasound, CTG, gynecological and AKTIM PROM, and it was determined that there was no rupture of the fetal membranes and a control was scheduled.

At the hospital, she says, they lowered her temperature and gave her an infusion at her request, because she was terribly exhausted, and then they told her that “when the infusion leaks, in 10 minutes, you can go home because there are no gynecological problems.” . At home, however, he felt pain, bled around 6 in the afternoon and they immediately returned to the “front”.

– He sat on the ground floor in that state for half an hour – says Branko. – They only did a gynecological exam. If they had done an ultrasound right away, they could have saved the baby. A late ultrasound showed that a baby was dead. She begged for a cesarean section, to save at least another, but they let her give birth naturally. Another baby had to be intubated, revived, and placed in an incubator.

During all that time, Natasha’s husband did not know what was happening. He says the doctor did not respond to his messages and only managed to receive him in the morning and schedule an appointment. All the advice was waiting for him, in which they assured that the twins had died “because they were late”!

– Later, they gave an embarrassing statement that Natasha refused hospitalization. And we beg to receive it somewhere! The only bright spot in this hell is the head of neonatology of the “Popular Front”, Dr. Tanja Mitrović. I hope the second baby is fine and that Natasa recovers, since she has pneumonia – says Branko Gajić, adding that he addressed the public to save another baby in the future.

HOSPITAL In “Frente” they deny that they refused to hospitalize the pregnant woman, Photo N. Fifić

Director of GAK “Narodni Front” prof. Dr. Zeljko Mikovic states in a statement that Natasa Gajic, on November 1, after the examination at KBC “Dr Dragisa Misovic”, was sent to the guard duty of GAK “Narodni Front”, where she refused the examination, as well as accommodation in the hospital, which was advised. for the intensive follow-up of the twin pregnancy, without signs of active labor. The following day, it is said, she was hospitalized in GAK, at 9 pm in the active phase of labor, with the diagnosis of death of the first twin. The patient gave birth spontaneously at 10:15 pm in the Kovid unit of the “Popular Front”. According to the protocol, a commission was formed for the implementation of internal professional supervision over patient care, it is indicated in the conclusion of the announcement.

As “Novosti” discovers, the surviving twin is making a successful recovery and Kovid is negative.

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