We are working on everything together with Vučić, we are ready to CONTINUE THE COOPERATION


The Chairman of the Socialist Party of Serbia and Foreign Minister Ivica Dačić said tonight that talks on the formation of a new government will continue after the visit of the US delegation to Serbia, which will also include Special Envoy Richard Grenel. .

– I have said several times that we are ready to continue cooperating with Aleksandar Vučić and the Serbian Progressive Party. We are aware that the SNS has an absolute majority and the decision on the Government will be taken by the winner of the elections. We talked about it more than a month ago and we will continue in the next period. We work together with the president in everything that is current. To be realistic, if the American delegation is coming next week, that means we will deal with it in the next few days and then we will continue with other activities. We are not talking about any personal problems – said Dacic as a guest on the program “Hit Tweet”.

On the situation in which Montenegro found itself after the elections, as well as the criticism directed by the President of Montenegro, Dacic said that Djukanovic “lost his orientation.”

– It is true that Milo Đukanović lost his orientation, I have not yet met any Montenegrin who would like to go to the forest. That policy has done much to spread hatred and fear of Serbs. He returned to the situation in which he began his political career. I’ve known him for over 30 years and now he’s in the “Milo vs. Milo” situation. He came to power thanks to the popular uprising led by Momir Bulatović and himself. He said then that the Montenegrin leadership was scaring people with the Greater Serbia policy to stay in power, and that is exactly what it is doing now, Dacic noted.

He added that he does not know any of the leaders of the winning coalitions in Montenegro, but hopes that relations with Serbia will improve.

– Serbia has done nothing against Montenegro. The only thing that interests us is the position of the Serbs, and that is where we find problems. How do we interfere in your choices? Did Vucic ask someone to support the Serbian parties? If he called? Rama, Izetbegović, Haradinaj … Milo did not lose to Serbia, he lost to his people. 29 percent of the Serbs are there, that’s not enough to win. I don’t know Dritan Abazović, Zdravko Krivokapić, Aleksa Bečić … But we hope that this government will contribute to the improvement of relations with Serbia, but also to the change of position of the Serbs in Montenegro – declared Dačić.

VIDEO: Dacic on the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina
