We are registering a fall, 5,679 new infected, 48 dead


SERBIA – In the last 24 hours, another 5,679 people were infected with the crown. 48 people died, while 318 patients were on respirators. 16,886 people were tested.

Good news from Pazar, after 11 days, finally no deaths

In the last 24 hours, no patients with Kovid-19 died at the General Hospital of Novi Pazar, which is the first day without the victims of the coronavirus of November 29, learn radio Sto plus.

In the previous 11 days, 16 people died in that health institution, which is a regional covid center, of which nine are from Raska, six from Novi Pazar and one from Sjenica. Since the last section, eight people have been hospitalized, four from Novi Pazar, three from Raska and one from Sjenica, while 21 patients have been discharged from the hospital. A total of 84 patients are being treated at the General Hospital of Novi Pazar, five of them with respirators and four with oxygen support.

The kovid temporary hospital in Novopazarska Banja houses 42 patients with mild symptoms. 146 people were examined in the Kovid ambulance of the Health Center, 74 of them called the doctors for the first time and the rest carried out a control examination. Of the 66 rapid nasal antigen tests performed, 13 were positive. 54 PCR tests were carried out, the results of which will be known later.

There are 262 new cases of coronavirus in the district of Zlatibor

From the previous report to today, on the territory of the Zlatibor district, kovid-19 has been confirmed in 262 people. The highest number of infected people was registered in Uzice – 79, followed by Bajina Basta – 48, Arilje – 32, Priboj – 25, Pozega – 23, Prijepolje – 21, Cajetina – 22, Kosjeric – 7, Nova Varos – 3 and Sjenica – 2, Glas reports. Western Serbia. Since the start of the epidemic until today, a total of 9,627 cases of coronavirus infection have been confirmed in the Zlatibor district.

Leskovac: Until yesterday, 28 hospital admissions, one patient has died

The Kovid hospital in Leskovac has a record number of patients and the occupancy rate is 90 percent. Leskovac General Hospital director Nebojsa Dimitrijevic stated that yesterday it was agreed that another department, the urology service, would become a kovid hospital.

“We have to have places for all patients, oxygen places. There will be about 40 beds. We believe there will be enough for the next seven days,” Dr. Dimitrijevic told RTS. He affirmed that from yesterday to today there were 28 admissions, 16 layoffs and one death last night.

Just a month ago there were 23 patients at the Kovid hospital in Leskovac, and this morning 202. In the district of Jablanica, in ten days in December, I had a total of more than 1,700 patients, in Leskovac alone, 1,000, so capacities are overloaded. According to Dimitrijevic, the non-hospital in Leskovac continues to operate. “We are working with reduced capacity, emergencies, the emergency medicine service, the emergency operational program and the maternity hospital, and they continue to work unhindered,” said Dimitrijevic.

Negotiation: 19 new covid positives, seven more hospitalized

According to data from the Negotin Health Center, in the last 24 hours, 19 new cases of kovid-19 infection were confirmed in that municipality. In the Kovid wards of the Negotin Health Center, 53 patients were hospitalized and, in the last 24 hours, seven patients were admitted, four were discharged for home treatment, and two patients with severe clinical symptoms were referred to a tertiary institution for treatment .

In the last 24 hours, 82 examinations were carried out in the Negotin kovid ambulance, 49 first and 33 controls. A total of 550 cases are active, according to the municipality’s website. The Head of Emergency Situations has acquired two heaters for patients awaiting examination in order to heat the tents, which have been placed in front of the Lung Disease Clinic to protect them from bad weather and low temperatures.

KC Nis: Korona took 10 more lives, 13 critically ill patients

In the last 24 hours, 10 patients died at the Nis Clinical Center (KC) due to the consequences of the coronavirus infection, and at the Leskovac and Vranje health centers, one or two covid patients. 345 patients were hospitalized at the kovid facility in KC Nis, including no children, and kovid-19 was confirmed in 249 patients, according to the website of that health institution.

Of the total number of positive covid, 13 patients are connected to artificial ventilation devices and are in a very difficult general condition. At Leskovac Health Center, 191 patients are currently hospitalized at Kovid Hospital, of which 141 have confirmed Kovid-19. A total of 147 patients were hospitalized in two kovid hospitals in the Vranje Health Center, and the virus was confirmed in 141 of them.

Čačak: In the hospital treatment of 204 patients, four died

In the last 24 hours, 276 exams were performed at the Čačak General Hospital admission and triage clinic, of which 154 were the first. 538 samples were analyzed and, sadly, four patients succumbed to the consequences of kovid-19, reports Glas zapadne Srbije. Of 538 samples, 104 were positive from Čačak, 30 from Lučani, 21 from Gornji Milanovac, and 32 positive from Ivanjica.

There are currently 204 patients infected with the corona virus at Čačak General Hospital. The respiratory center accommodates 15 patients, four of whom use respirators. In the last 24 hours, 23 patients were admitted for hospital treatment, six were discharged and two were transferred to the Blue Room, where there are currently 40 patients.


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