We are ready for a compromise, not an ultimatum


At the press conference, after the closing ceremony of Children’s Week at the “Serbia” Palace, Aleksandar Vučić said that it was extremely important for Serbia to continue the path of the EU, preserving friends and military neutrality.

He said that the Serbian army showed exceptional training, equipment and great progress achieved in previous years in yesterday’s military exercise in Peshtera.

“According to that, we will see that the army, the police, the BIA, medical care have an easier approach to solve their vital problems, mainly housing,” said the president.

When it comes to the announced visit of Miroslav Lajčák, Vučić said that he expected a correct conversation.

“I hope that the EU understands well that someone cannot sign the agreement in Brussels and then make statements that deny the existence of the Union of Serbian Municipalities and in which they say that Serbia should recognize Kosovo and that they will subsequently form the JCC. They are impossible. “. “Things, and Serbia is always ready to discuss various compromises, but that should be a compromise and not an ultimatum,” the president said.

He affirmed that a very important week awaits us in which there will be “many important decisions.”

“If the parliament will have no opposition, it will know as soon as possible”

Responding to journalists’ question about speculations that there will be early parliamentary elections, Vučić replied: “It will be presidential, if it will be parliamentary, we will see.”

Journalists also asked whether parliament would be strange without opposition, to which Vučić responded with a counter-question: “How do you know there will be no opposition?”

He said he believes the answer to that question will come “in the shortest possible time.”

“And maybe there is no opposition, maybe you’re right, maybe not. It’s just, the question is how do you know?”
