We are one step closer to suspending the closure of KOVID HOSPITALS


Colonel Ivo Udovicic, commander of the kovid military hospital in Karaburma, does not hide that he is concerned about the growing number of newly infected with the crown in recent days and warns that the military hospital is already full.

– The latest figures show that the epidemic is far from over. The hospital has been full for two to three weeks and it is concerning that the remaining hospitals in the kovid system are slowly filling up. The epidemic is far from over and, therefore, we must all be careful and comply with the measures – warns the colonel in an interview with RTS.

Udovicic emphasizes that they have both young and old patients in the hospital.

– We currently have 72 patients and all are severe pneumonia. We have patients in their 20s and 30s, most of the patients can work, but we have many patients over 70 and immobile patients. It means they couldn’t go anywhere, but someone infected them at home. In addition, we have many Kopaonik patients, we have a patient who is in a very serious condition, he is on oxygen. He is 50 years old, he is a young man, he was kept in Kopaonik, but not long enough. We have to be careful. We have to take good care of where we move and how we behave – says Udovicic.

Consequences on the lungs.

Udovicic also referred to the consequences that kovid leaves on the lungs:

– Many pneumonia patients leave the hospital with severe lung damage. Patients must take care of themselves and citizens must know it. Many of them go away with severe changes to your lungs and it takes months of rehab, and the question is whether it will ever be the same again.

VMC Karaburma commander also indicated the reason for the increase in new infections.

– I think people have already started to relax a bit with the launch of the vaccine. It is good to have such a massive vaccination and to be able to choose between vaccines, but people must be patient and responsible. We have patients who become infected between the first and the second dose. The first dose does not provide 100 percent protection. Only after the second dose of the vaccine, that is, 14-21 days, can we say that patients are safe in the sense that they will not present a more severe form and that they will not end up in intensive care and that they will not. be threatened with death. They can still be prone to a milder form of the infection, Udovicic says.

He added that the number of difficult patients is growing again, so the closure of covid hospitals may have to be stopped.

– We currently have seven patients requiring ventilation and all of them are life threatening. There are many patients lately who are looking again for a place in the intensive care unit, so we fear that we will have to temporarily stop this trend of closing covid hospitals. I just hope that we do not get into the situation again that we have to open hospitals – said Udovicic.

In the end, Colonel Udovicic sent an appeal to the people, knowing that the winter resorts were full.

– All the winter centers are working, the restaurants are full, the discos are working, the state has to do something there. We have been working on the kovid system for 10-11 months and it really is over our heads. If we can work for 10, 11 and 12 months, then the state and citizens should be a little more careful. Of course, there will be a lot of people in those places, for the New Year, I also said, do not let a moment or a few hours bring you something that you will regret all the time – says Udovicic.


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