We are not authorized to sanction for violating the measures of the Crisis Staff


The head of the Communal Militia, Ivan Divac, explains that the service is not authorized to draw up sanctions for not acting according to the measures of the Crisis Personnel, and that its hands are “tied” on many issues because the laws grant it enormous powers already sometimes absurdly small powers.

The head of the Communal Militia, Ivan Divac, told RTS that the Communal Militia, as a city service, provides assistance to the inspectors in controlling the measures ordered by the Emergency Situations Headquarters.

– In today’s Headquarters session, it was decided that the presence of inspectors in the city will be increased, and the Communal Militia will provide assistance to each inspector and will meet to help control the implementation of the measures given – says Divac.

It emphasizes that the Health Inspection of the Ministry of Health is the only one competent to file complaints for non-compliance with the measures, and that the Community Militia is not authorized to draw up sanctions for non-compliance with the Crisis Personnel measures.

– All measures taken by the crisis headquarters with regard to protection against coronavirus are the responsibility of the inspections. Everything else that accompanies may be under the jurisdiction of the Communal Militia – explains Divac.

He says that communal militiamen are urging when they see that someone on the bus is not wearing a protective mask, but that citizens must understand that there are not enough of them, as well as inspectors, to be present on every bus.

– We can point out to the public the need to respect the measures, which we do every day in restaurants and on the street and in shopping centers. That is the most we can do. Only the Sanitary Inspection is in charge of sanctioning – Divac repeats.

Ivan Divac says that the communal policemen work 24 hours a day and respond to calls, but that there were not many calls for non-compliance with the measures, since at present citizens are the most annoyed by the noise of cafes and restaurants.

– Now we have a noise problem because all the catering companies have moved their activities to the gardens. Citizens complain a lot about the noise of these facilities, that is what most calls call us and where we usually act – says Divac.

It states that an acoustic zoning initiative of the city was launched, in order to determine in which part of the city what noise level is allowed, as well as an initiative to reform the Noise Law, so that the Communal Militia is recognized legally as someone who controls noise and finally gets devices. for a measure that is not currently available.

– When it comes to catering facilities, it is important that the facility has a noise measurement certificate from an authorized home. If you have a certificate, we can’t test anything other than sensory perception. In most cases, these reports fall to the courts, but we have no choice. Only the Ecological Inspection can order the noise measurement – explains Divac.

He points out that the law is completely absurd and that is why the change has already begun.

– It is not so easy to change the law. There is a procedure to change the law. Our hands are very tied. The only thing we can control is the interpretation of the music once the working hours of the catering facilities are over. We are working to modify the law. Now we have no way to measure noise – emphasizes Divac.

Citizens often call in the communal militia, not knowing exactly what their powers are. Ivan Divac says that a citizen is not even obliged to know whose jurisdiction it is.

– Citizens call the Beokom service. The communal militia acts on issues that are within its competence and sends the rest to inspections – explains Divac.

He points out that an additional problem is that since the formation of the Communal Militia in 2010, not much has been done to improve service.

– We have been given enormous powers, but small powers. We started the reform of the Communal Militia Law, which gives us much broader powers, we started the reform of the Road Safety Law and the Law on Passenger Transport in Road Traffic – lists Divac.

He cites an absurd example that the Communal Militia was given control of taxi transportation, but not the ability to stop a taxi vehicle.

– Until 2019, citizens thought that we would not control the illegal transport of taxis. The moment the legal conditions were met, we solved that problem. Now, the wild traxists in Belgrade are at the level of statistical error. The same goes for noise and other problems. We are working to change the law and enable the conditions for efficient action – explains Divac.

He believes that the Communal Militia is gaining the trust of citizens over time.

– We do not need authority, we need trust and that the citizens understand that the Communal Militia was formed to serve the citizens, which we demonstrate every day with our work. It takes time, but more and more belgraders recognize that the Communal Militia is at the service of the citizens – says Ivan Divac.

VIDEO: Walk in “Eye of the Falcon”
