We are late with the measurements! The healthcare system faces the greatest challenge in history, but we will endure it!


– Unfortunately, we are late! These measures will not have a quick effect and the healthcare system in Serbia will face the greatest challenge in its history. A difficult week awaits us! There is no salvation for us, but we will not fail – says Kurir prof. Dr. Radmilo Janković, Deputy Director of the UCC Niš and Director of the Anesthesia and Intensive Care Clinic of the UCC following the decision of the crisis staff to close most of Monday.

He also notes that the pressure on all hospitals will increase in the next 10 days.

– Kovid hospitals will be overloaded on admission and in intensive care units, and nekovid will reduce their capacity. The number of hospitalized, which is currently almost 5,000, does not reflect the real pressure on the health care system because our hospitals are treating patients with very severe covidity, and that number will grow rapidly in the coming days. There are a large number of patients in households and a large number of asymptomatic infected vectors, especially among the younger population, making the situation difficult, Janković notes, adding:

– The saddest thing is mistrust, polarization, hidden aggression between people. We had to have a “quiet situation” when we started vaccination very well. A large number of infected and previously vaccinated people create discomfort and create fertile ground for conspiracy theorists, and health workers are tired of appeals, pleas and persuasions to constantly respect the measures, because antibodies are not created. as soon as the vaccine is received. It follows a difficult Sunday. We will hold, we have no other. We will fight. But now, as never before, we must all be together – concludes Janković.
