“WE ARE IN A CRITICAL SITUATION” Inspection announces rigorous measures and CLOSURE of shops that do not respect measures


“The health inspection monitored 12 facilities in Belgrade overnight, and two were closed due to non-compliance with epidemiological measures,” said Dr. Goran Stamenković, Deputy Minister of Health for Inspection Affairs, announcing the constant implementation of a monitoring intensified.

Stamenkovic said those 12 inspections were only part of 168 inspections in Belgrade during the week.

– Up to 30 misdemeanors were filed for traffic facilities, where not only drivers but also citizens were punished, but also catering facilities. A large number of users are in these facilities, which favors the spread of this vicious infectious disease, Stamenković told RTS.

So far, he adds, more than 320 requests have been submitted via Viber.

According to the complaints, they refer mainly to non-compliance with the measures in catering facilities, remotely, not wearing a mask, and sometimes disinfectants that are not used properly.

– The Ministry of Health will implement zero tolerance towards all offenders and will rigorously sanction those who do not respect the measures. We are in a critical situation, Stamenković said.

It says that most of the misdemeanor charges were brought against legal persons and businessmen.

– Tonight’s closure of two facilities near Ušće in Belgrade is just the beginning of the most rigorous sanitary inspection measures. In the next few days the physical sealing of the facilities will be carried out. We must do what the law requires of us, in cooperation with other inspection services in Serbia, concluded Stamenkovic.
