“We are going to beat Croatia in GDP in two years maximum”


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said tonight that in no more than two years Serbia will overtake Croatia in terms of gross domestic product.

Source: B92

EPA Photo / Robert Ghement

EPA Photo / Robert Ghement

He explained that at the end of 2017, our country had an order book of 10 billion euros compared to Croatia, while today it is 7 billion.

“In two years, we will have a higher GDP and, at the same time, our public debt levels will be much lower than theirs,” he said.

Vucic reiterated that Serbia will have the highest growth rate in Europe.

Speaking about the distribution of 100 euros to adult citizens, Vucic said it would cost the country about 500 million euros and urged citizens to spend that money in Serbia.

“I would like as many people as possible to stay in Serbia this year on vacation, and the few insurance companies will agree to insure you of the crown for traveling abroad,” he stressed.

Vucic also says that the IT sector in Serbia is “growing tremendously” and will soon outpace agriculture in GDP.
