We are facing a crown DISASTER, and what awaits us in the next 10 days


The provincial secretary of Health and member of the crisis staff for the fight against the corona virus, Zoran Gojković, stated tonight that the figures related to the corona virus in Serbia are surprising and that there is a large influx of newly infected patients to hospitals. .

“We have almost 7,000 infected people today, and you can guess what awaits us in the next five to seven days,” Gojković told Vojvodina Radio Television.

He noted that between 10 and 15 percent of newly infected people will require some kind of serious hospital treatment, meaning that about 1,000 newly infected people will end up in hospitals.

“The health care system is extremely overloaded, there is a large influx of patients to hospitals, they are all extremely difficult patients in need of intensive treatment,” Gojković said.

He stated that large amounts of oxygen are consumed in Serbia and that oxygen is consumed in one day as it used to be in two months. In addition, there is an enormous consumption of medical supplies and medicines, and an exhausting effort and work of the health sector.

“There is no end, we have 10 percent more medical personnel infected each day than the day before, because the virus is in our circulation and health workers get sick through their families,” Gojković said.

He again asked that measures to prevent infection be respected.


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