We are committed to continuing our partnership


Today, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić met with the head of the Council of Europe mission in Belgrade, Tobias Flesenkemper, with whom he discussed the implementation of the CoE program in Serbia, as well as further steps towards partnership and work joint on all matters of mutual interest.

Vučić praised Serbia’s good cooperation with the Council of Europe so far and noted that significant progress has been made in the last 17 years since our country’s accession to the Council of Europe, announced the Office for Media Cooperation of the Republic President.

He stated that Serbia has the help of the Council of Europe in implementing reforms, because that organization, through its programs, can help to reform the judicial system, reform the public administration system and local self-government, as well as improve the protection of national minorities and others.

– We are determined to continue the partnership cooperation with the Council of Europe and to work on its further improvement – said President Vučić adding that Serbia attaches great importance to the implementation of the Council of Europe program in Serbia, including joint programs between the Council of Europe and the European Union.

Vučić reiterated Serbia’s commitment to strengthening political dialogue in the region, and especially economic cooperation among the Western Balkan countries, noting that Serbia is among the leading countries that have managed to provide an exceptional climate to solve all problems. open in a peaceful and responsible manner.

The head of the Council of Europe mission in Belgrade, Tobias Flesenkemper, emphasized the important role of Serbia in the work of this organization, especially through the consistent and constant implementation of the CoE program, emphasizing that he appreciates the efforts of Serbia in the implementation of reforms.

He called on the Serbian authorities to make greater use of the advisory capacity of the Council of Europe in the reform process, as well as in improving the work of Parliament.

Flessenkemper also noted that the Council of Europe is celebrating the 70th anniversary of the European Convention on Human Rights this year, and that an event will be held in Serbia on November 4 at the University of Belgrade.

He asked President Vučić to jointly commemorate the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Office of the Council of Europe in Belgrade in the spring of next year.

The head of the CoE mission added that the Council of Europe will continue to cooperate actively and closely with Serbia on all major projects, which include more intensive cooperation with the European Court of Human Rights, as well as more active participation of Serbia in the upcoming projects organized by the Council of Europe.

VIDEO: Vučić at the “Little Schengen” conference with Rama and Zaev
