We are caught in false visions of false prophets, we are buried in our mud.


In the countries of the former Yugoslavia, nothing has fundamentally changed in the last 30 years, said Mirjana Karanović, a well-known actress from Belgrade, Pristina, adding that “we have sunk deep into our mud.”

Karanovic made the remarks at a panel discussion on the role of Balkan actors in promoting gender equality and fighting homophobia and nationalism, as part of the Kosovo Theater Showcase, organized by Jeton Neziraj, director of Pristina Multimedia Center. .

This festival was inaugurated on Tuesday (October 27) with the play “Balava”, starring Mirjana Karanović, Jasna Đuričić, Jovana Belović and Isidora Simijonović.

Speaking about the future of Kosovo and Serbian society, Karanović said that “the smartest people do not participate in decision-making” at the round table, which was led in Serbian by the editor-in-chief of Pristina’s daily “Koha Ditore” , Agron Bajrami, with an Albanian translation. , Reports Radio Free Europe.

– So it’s about the future as a colorful lie in which you lie, above all others, that now you are doing it for the common good and you promise a phenomenal future only if you follow me. I see it more or less everywhere. We are caught in false visions of false prophets, people who do not have a vision of the future, but, in fact, indulge in some superficial visions that cannot be the energy to create a real future – said Karanović.

“I am fighting,” he said, “against that feeling of despair that so little has changed,” and said that “he no longer believes in the power of theater.”

– In the past, theatrical performances caused an explosion in society and a great controversy in the public, and today there is a tendency to reduce everything to superficiality, to cover important topics with camouflage fabrics and to cover a large object with a net – said the actress, adding that The theater will never disappear, because it is not just entertainment, but something that encompasses human needs.

Speaking of coming to Pristina, actress Jasna Đuričić pointed out that her country is Yugoslavia and that she resists all those who want to make her forget the part of her life “that was beautiful”.

– So it’s completely natural for me to be here now. [u Prištini], or in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in Croatia. We are too small and within these states we get bored. We just need another energy, something different but again close because it is our first neighbor, because we speak the same language. It’s wonderful, culture and cultural workers were the first to start all of that, and somehow we connected more naturally, Đuričić said.

Jasna DuričićPhoto: Dragan Kujundžić / Tanjug

Jasna Duričić

Đuričić pointed out that the cooperation of people in the field of culture contributed to the opening of important problems that affect all societies on a daily basis.

– You had a great try from Miki Manojlović here [srpski glumac] with Romeo and Juliet. I saw that play, it was great, it was founded, very important … A lot of people saw it in Belgrade and you see these young actors who perform fantastic, ”says Đuričić.

Furthermore, Mirjana Karanović pointed out that in all societies there is someone who criticizes the government, that is, points out what is wrong, and that such people are often not well accepted. As an example, she claimed that the labels were “stuck” to her in Serbia due to criticism that was often misunderstood.

“I don’t hate Serbs, I don’t hate any nation, but I hate those who did bad things,” Mirjana Karanović said.

Karanović and Đuričić agree that the countries of the former Yugoslavia went through a turbulent period and that more was always expected of actors. Karanovic said that in the 1990s he believed he had the power to prevent ugly and bad things from happening.

– It was my delirium, I do not regret it, it was huge and human and I invested personal energy to perform the miracle that I believed possible. That miracle didn’t happen, “Karanovic said.

Đuričić said that at one point he believed that the people of the countries of the former Yugoslavia were moving forward at a time, “which was short-lived.”

A debate on the “Kosovo Theater, before, during and after the pandemic” will be held in Pristina on Friday 30 October as part of the “Kosovo Theater Showcase” festival. All the events within the Festival are open to the public, but it is mandatory to respect the measures and decisions of the relevant institutions.

“Kosovo Theater Showcase” runs until November 1 and is performed by the Multimedia Center (Qendra Multimedia) of Pristina.

– Now we are all together again, I don’t know where. And again, the stage space opens where I have something to say – he said.
