We are approaching the ALARM NUMBER of 1,500 infected per day, and that means


Today, we were all surprised by the crown number: 1,053 people were infected in Serbia in just one day! As we approach the limit of 1,500 infected per day, the reintroduction of the curfew is being mentioned with increasing force.

It’s not just the black number of newly infected that left everything textless, but the number of hospitalized from 823 to today is especially concerning. Therefore, everyone fears the collapse of the healthcare system, and experts say loudly that they will not sit idly by and watch the crown spread across Serbia.

Many are announcing the tightening of the measures, and since we are only at the beginning of the third wave and the peak is expected in a week or more, according to some forecasts, then it is not surprising that the figure will soon exceed 1,500 infected, and with that comes the story of the police. time.

According to the figures, Belgrade is already “ripe” for the curfew.

– If the number increases and there are 100 infected per 100,000 inhabitants, then it could be time to wait for stricter measures in our country – he told the epidemiologist “Blic” and member of the Crisis Staff for the fight against kovid-19, prof. . Dr. Branislav Tiodorović.

By the way, the situation in Serbia is now like this: 71.04 per 100,000 and in Belgrade up to 177.9 per 100,000! Therefore, the capital is practically “ripe” for the introduction of the strictest measures.

Here’s what Dr. Tiodorović said next about the measures and the curfew.

1,500 infected and curfew

-… Germany, for example, has introduced curfews in some provinces, France, Italy, Slovenia, and if we will introduce additional measures, so for sure, in my opinion, if we exceed 100 to 100,000 active cases, then we should think on the strictest measures. In that case, we would have up to 1,500 positives – said yesterday Tiodorović for “Blic”.

The curfew, as Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar said, is not yet being discussed, but he also said it could be on the agenda in case we have 1,500 people infected in one day.

Exactly the number we are very close to …

Dr. Kon: We have to think about banning the movement.

No one ruled out the option of introducing a curfew. Epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon also spoke about it.

Predrag KonPhoto: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug

Predrag Kon

– We should think about prohibiting the movement in some way, shorten something, go alone to the store … For now, a state of emergency is not an option. We cannot give up if a state of emergency needs to be introduced, epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon previously said.

He noted that crisis staff are very concerned.

– We see that the recommendations are never followed and that is something that frustrates us a lot. We are very concerned, a serious concern, that is, it is not fear. We do not want to limit anyone, but we want to avoid death – said our expert.

Crisis staff member Darija Kisić Tepavčević did not rule out the possibility of tightening the measures, but did not specify when it could be, while Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar today gave an explanation of why the closure is already present in All Europe.

Zlatibor Lončar Photo: Ministry of Health / RAS Serbia

Zlatibor Lončar

As Lončar also pointed out, the problem is loud music, screaming, hugging, kissing … Screaming, without a mask, the possibility of spreading the virus is great.

– The problem is when the music is loud, when you can’t talk at a distance. If it is a concert, if there is music at full volume, we cannot hear each other and we would have to get closer. There are far fewer such situations until 8 and 9 pm than after that. It is not a classic sitting problem, but too loud music when you have to get close. I repeat, we can only function if we are moderate, because it is much better to work until 8, 9, 10 hours, as long as we agree, but work every day, than to get into a situation of closing and not working at all. Do we not see what is happening in the region? Everything is closing – Minister Lončar pointed out.

As for the curfew, it is not yet being discussed, he said, but he also said that it could be on the agenda in case we have 1,500 infected in one day.

When asked if he is considering introducing new measures, he said that we need a balance between the measures and the functioning of the state.

– If you want to give medicines, salaries to employees, new hospitals, that cannot be achieved if you close everything. It is not the measures that will win the crown, that is our conscience – said the Minister.

As he further emphasized, the measures will not help if citizens do not understand that it is important to adhere to them, because this is how we protect ourselves, but also others.

– It is not realistic that we are so irresponsible that someone needs to lock us in the house so that we understand what we have to do. That was necessary at a time when we didn’t know enough about the virus itself, Lončar concluded.
