We actively move towards privatization, first Petrohemija


BELGRADE – We have actively started with privatization, and first with Major Petrohemija, said Economy Minister Andjelka Atanaskovic, announcing that a meeting with the Russians will be held tomorrow at NIS.

“I hope some favorable developments and that we can even start at the end of the year, at least some procedural agreements, and that we will finish Petrohemija next year,” Atanaskovic told the session of the Parliamentary Committee on the Economy.

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The solution for Petrohemija, based in Pancevo, will be, he says, a great advantage for the Ministry of Economy.

He announced that, as for other companies that are in the process of privatization, invitations will be published.

“Whatever we manage to do with those 78 companies, we will try. Maybe I can use some of my connections from my previous job, to be able to do something about it as well,” the minister said.

When asked by MP Dragomir Karic about the privatization of strategic companies, such as Petrohemija, Jumko de Vranje and the Kablovi company of Jagodina, Minister Atanaskovic said that she would mainly try to find strategic partners for those companies precisely in the interests of Serbia.

“It is not just about Jumko or FAP Priboj, all those big factories that are in the south are important to us,” Atanaskovic said.

He mentioned that the work ahead in relation to privatization is difficult, but that it must be done and that it is only a matter of time whether it will be in the near future or a little longer.

“I will do my best to do everything I can during my madnat. I promised the president, that’s what he says,” Atanaskovic said.

He announced that much work will be done on privatization, as well as on helping businessmen in the conditions of the pandemic corona virus.

“Everyone in the government is working to find ways to continue helping people survive in these difficult times,” Atanaskovic said.

Secretary of State for the Economy Ministry Dragan Stevanović said Yumko is in the process of adopting the pre-prepared reorganization plan, which is expected to be completed in the coming months.

He said the plan is for the state to make Yumko a “good boyfriend.”

“Yumko is strategically positioned in southern Serbia, in Vranje, and the political, economic and social interest is for that company to stay and keep working,” says Stevanović.

He stated that the Kablovi company in Jagodina, after exiting the pre-established reorganization plan, will probably fail, because it will not be able to continue operating according to market principles.

He announced that, of a total of just over 70 companies that remained, about 20 of them will enter the process of announcing the procedure for their privatization in the coming weeks.

“As the minister said, in the next period, we will forcefully initiate a wheel or a trap in the privatization process,” Stevanovic said.

He stated that of the remaining companies, 30 or 40 companies cannot be in the process of privatization for various reasons.

“Relative to the 650-company legacy number that we found, this is more than an extraordinary result,” said Stevanović.

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Stevanovic also said that Serbia is one of the few countries that has found a suitable measure and way to help and support the economy affected by Kovid, as well as that no investor will withdraw and encourage the announcements of reinvestment in Serbia and the arrival of new investments. .

At the end of the session, the Board approved the Information on the work of the Ministry of Economy for the period July-September 2020, as well as the reports from the Ministry on the status of the privatization procedure for August and September 2020.


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