Wayfarer found: It wouldn’t have ended well if we hadn’t stumbled upon the cabin


Stefan Russianv and Milica Mirjanic were found more than 40 hours after their disappearance in Beljanica. Serbia feared for the fate of the two young men, while a large number of police and volunteers were looking for them. Stefan Russov’s uncle, Marko Russov, says for the H1 that they happened to go to one of the peaks and that, when they saw that the road was in bad condition, they returned and keyed in the navigation which is the shortest path for them.

Once they were found, a journalist from “Večernji novosti” spoke with Stefan, who was exhausted after a day and night in the mountains.

“The adrenaline kicked me a bit now and I got tired. Milica and I are fine, everything is fine now,” Stefan said.

“It would not have ended well if we had not entered the cabin. It was pitch dark, we just ran inside. We thought we would find some locals in the area, but there is desolation everywhere, there was absolutely no one,” he added.

Mladic told “Novosti” that the car did not break down, but during the journey they ran into deep snow and the vehicle got stuck, so in order not to waste fuel on heating, they decided to take refuge in a safe, in a shack.

“I want to thank everyone who participated in the search and the media who made a fuss and helped in the search,” Stefan said at the end.

Stefan Russov’s uncle, Marko Russov, says for the H1 that they happened to go to one of the peaks and that, when they saw that the road was in bad condition, they returned and keyed in the navigation which is the shortest path for them.

“The road they entered was about 20 kilometers, and the other path that the navigation showed them was 7 kilometers and showed that it was a highway. And that’s not the only way people get lost on that stretch of the road, the navigation led them to That road which is in fact a clean half and half paved off-road vehicle road When they got to the part where the car couldn’t get through, they got stuck and didn’t know what to do next. I found out that they left it for last because it was the hardest and least likely the car would get there, but the guys from the Mountain Service insisted, “Uncle Marko Russov told H1.

A total of 29 members of the Emergency Situations Sector with 11 vehicles and a dog participated in the search, as well as 25 members of the Jagodina Police Department, four from the Bor Police Department, four Criminal Police Directorates and two from the Department Police Station of Kragujevac. In addition, a member of the SVS was dedicated to searching the terrain from the air, along with members of the Helicopter Unit who searched various locations along the Resava River, the Resava River Canyon, Debeli and Jelovi Potok, as well as a tour of the top of Beljanica.
