WATCH BG’S INTERVENTION 92 IN THE NIGHT ACTION They saw a suspicious man at the gas station and immediately searched him, then handcuffed him (VIDEO)


BELGRADE – Members of Interventna 92 ​​carried out a successful operation in Belgrade last night, seizing drugs and arresting a 37-year-old man.

An Intervention patrol saw a suspicious man at a gas station outside Belgrade, who was arrested and searched, after which he was taken to the station. About 50 grams of speed and 10 grams of marijuana were found in his possession as a scale for the precise measurement of narcotics.

This action is just one of a series of successful actions in the fight against the drug mafia and drug traffickers.

As confirmed by the Interior Ministry in the meantime, Ђ was arrested. B. for the existence of grounds to suspect that he committed the crime of unauthorized production and distribution of narcotic drugs.

Police examined the suspect, who was near a gas station in New Belgrade, and found a small amount of speed and marijuana, as well as a scale to measure accurately. The suspect was detained for up to 48 hours and will be taken to the Belgrade Superior Prosecutor’s Office, along with a criminal report.


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Author: delivery courier
