“WASN’T CORRUPTION?” Mike Aleksić’s case sparked debate over FDA performance study tuition, professors flatly denying there was protection


Due to the arrest of Miroslav Mike Aleksić (68), leader of the cult of personality disguised as an acting school, the public had doubts about the enrollment process at the Faculty of Dramatic Art, considering that Biljana Mašić, Aleksić’s wife , is a professor in the Acting Department. The FDA distanced itself from Aleksić and so far no one has provided direct evidence of corruption and protection, but for many the Faculty’s announcement was too tepid and required a more decisive reaction.

Veljko Lalic, editor-in-chief of “Nedeljnik,” openly asked in a column for the latest issue of his magazine: “Isn’t it corruption that your wife has been accepting children at the FDA for decades, despite a teacher in this school? “

“I hope the FDA answers that question, and not the nonsense that there was one on the commission. If we stop lying, and even if these kids asked us, our parents chose that school primarily because of that … we understand what they chose. .. ”, wrote Lalic.

The FDA previously responded to these suspicions with a statement in which, among other things, they wrote that the Faculty “supports unreservedly and decisively the young actress and former student of our school, Milena Radulović, in her fight to prosecute and sanction any form of sexual abuse and harassment. in an appropriate way ”and added that“ Mika Aleksić has never worked in the Faculty of Dramatic Art, nor has he been involved in any way in the processes of education and work with our students ”.


Photo: Ч.Л. RAS Serbia


A few days later, on Wednesday to be precise, the FDA launched the platform “FDA – Against Violence” without prior notice, with the intention of actively addressing the prevention and prevention of all kinds of abuses and abuses in educational processes, especially problems related to sexual harassment.

Dragan Petrović Pele, FDA acting professor, responded to the concerns that were raised and written in the previous days, directly or between the lines, about the FDA. Petrovic emphasizes that the FDA had no unofficial or official connections to the so-called “Matter of the Heart” acting school.

FDU professor Dragan Petrović Pele claims the faculty has nothing to do with Aleksić

Photo: Marko Metlas / RAS Serbia

FDU professor Dragan Petrović Pele claims that the faculty has nothing to do with Aleksić’s “school”

– They are constructions of haters on duty that appear anonymously on social networks. I must say that there are several acting schools in Belgrade and that the FDA statute does not say anywhere that teachers of acting, directing, dramaturgy or any other department are prohibited from teaching in private schools. Those accusations speak to something else, says Petrović.

As he himself puts it, everything that was said in previous days about Aleksić’s so-called “Matter of the Heart” school raised a huge dust, which dissatisfied individuals used to attack the FDA.

– Every year the FDA has 400 applicants for the entrance exam, which was a large number for the former Yugoslavia, and much less now for Serbia. Of that number, the FDA can only accommodate 12 people. That is our maximum according to the program of the Ministry of Education. That means only 12 are happy after admission, and of the 388 remaining, at least 200 people are dissatisfied and angry, Petrović says.

“FDU since 1948 follows the enrollment stories through a link”

Petrovic believes that this is why dissatisfied people on social media are creating accusations against the FDA.

– They can’t understand why they didn’t register with the FDA, so they write everything on the Internet. Does that mean that the FDA should write a statement to each of them about what happened and why they were not admitted? Since its inception in 1948, the FDA has been following the story that students are admitted through a connection and that lists are made in advance. Similar stories are related to other faculties that, like the FDA, are valued not only in our country, but also in the world – emphasizes Petrovic.

People have lived together for 30 years, so they don’t know each other well enough

On the occasion of the events in the Aleksić cult, FDA professors were also attacked.

– Many ask us how we did not know and why we were silent. Those stories that “everyone knew” are in the science fiction zone. How do I know what someone is doing at your private school? Well, people live door to door, they meet every day on the street, they call each other, so they don’t know what they do in their apartment, behind closed doors. The people have been living together for 30 years, so it turns out they don’t know each other well enough, says Petrović.

Out of 400 registrants, only 12 passed the FDA entrance exam, says Petrovic

Photo: Aleksandar Dimitrijevic / RAS Serbia

Out of 400 registrants, only 12 passed the FDA entrance exam, says Petrovic

Petrovic was the teacher Iva Ilincic, one of the girls who accused Miroslav Miko Aleksic of sexual abuse in the confession of “Blic” in the police, but also in public. Petrovic says he found out what happened to them on Saturday night.

– My two students, Iva Ilinčić and another who is not in public, but is my student, they called me and said they had something to tell me, but not on the phone. Through tears, of course. I insisted that they tell me what it was about and that we meet immediately, and then I found out everything. They told me, and then I started googling and listed the titles, and I was, to say the least, bewildered. I am defeated as a man, nullified, catatonic. You are looking at a point. That adrenaline still can’t drop and go back to normal, Petrovic said on the morning TV show K1.

Petrovic says he knew Aleksic was strict, but the question was what was meant by that term.

– For example, I think that art needs a kind of exercise. But what kind of exercise? My definition of a drill is different than someone else’s definition. People have the illusion of mutual understanding. We think we understand each other, but we don’t listen well enough. We understand the same term in different ways, says Petrovic.

He knew Aleksić, but said they weren’t around.

– I spoke with him, it is not a crime to talk to someone. But we never talked about his working method, nor did he ask me what I thought of his work. I just know that at the FDA we work according to the curriculum. Everything written about the FDA distracts attention from major scary events, Petrovic says.

“FDU has no reason to hide anything”

On this occasion, “Blic” also contacted Milena Dragićević-Šešić, director of the FDA’s Institute for Theater, Film, Radio and Television, who claims that the allegations that Miroslav Mika Aleksić enrolled his students in the FDA with him the help of his wife is unfounded.

Milena Dragicevic Sesic

Photo: Promo / RAS Serbia

Milena Dragicevic Sesic

– Biljana Masic is only one member of the commission in the entrance examination in the acting department, which has five members. You can cheer for someone, but you can hardly be so influential in getting other members to vote for that person. Keep in mind that the performance entrance exam is the longest of all FDA entrance exams. Yes, at the reception you also have the so-called intermediate option, where stage performance, dance skills, voice technique are evaluated. That is evaluated by professors who are not on the final committee, but a lot depends on their evaluation of who will be accepted, says Dragicevic-Sesic.

As she says, it is unclear why the FDA was on the wallpaper if it was the first to announce itself after the “Aleksić” case.

– We were the first to react with a statement and support our brave actresses and students. The FDA has no reason to hide anything. I have been in college for so many years and I know there have been no similar allegations. There were verbal attacks by a teacher during the 1980s and that problem was solved. There are similar accusations in almost all groups and companies in which you have a boss-employee relationship. You also have it in other faculties, says Dragićević-Šešić.

She emphasizes that many children of FDU professors also did not enroll in college.

– For example, the son of the famous professor Vladan Brace Slijepcevic failed the entrance exam. That is the best proof that there was no protection, because we did not bring the children of the most distinguished teachers – says Dragicevic-Sesic.

Srbljanović: We at the FDA are in absolute shock

Biljana Srbljanović, a professor at the Faculty of Dramatic Art, also defended the Faculty against the accusations.

Biljana Srbljanović

Photo: Zoran Lončarević / RAS Serbia

Biljana Srbljanović

– That Aleksić is not a professor at all, it has nothing to do with the Faculty. He is an acting teacher at a private school. We are all in a state of utter shock on campus, but the dean doesn’t have to advertise in public, because that man has nothing to do with our college. We have published a statement – said BIljana Srbljanovićeva on K1 television.

As he pointed out, he was always against Aleksić’s work.

– I think school is dangerous. But it never occurred to me that sexual violence was happening there. I saw those kids at entrance exams and I knew it was very rude to talk to them, because I was trying to explain to them that this school was a cult. To break with what they learned there. We talk about the material at the reception, and when they talk about, for example, female characters, we can see that it puts the woman in the role of the man. They repeated their ideological mantra, which they adopted and adhered to without exception, said Biljana Srbljanović.

The celebrated playwright highlighted that the attacks Milena Radulović and Iva Ilinčić are facing these days are horrible.

– Those questions are terrible – why did you come back, what did you suffer … If it was a medical student who was attacked by a biology teacher, I’m not sure there are questions about what you were going back to in biology school. . These are actresses, so these questions are common. These young people are no longer victims, they have won. I no longer want to see 60-year-old actors having love scenes with 30-year-old actresses. All that narrative must change – concluded Biljana Srbljanović.

On the occasion of these facts and comments, “Blic” also asked the FDU dean’s office questions, but instead of responding, the dean’s office employees sent us only the first statement, already published, by which the FDU reacted to the “Miroslav Mike Aleksić Case”.
