Washington Accord Impression of the Week


On the “Impression of the Week” program, former Serbian President and SDS leader Boris Tadic noted that Serbia implicitly recognized Kosovo’s independence during the negotiations and that the entire event in Washington was scandalous. On the other hand, the professor of public international law at the University of Nottingham Marko Milanovic and the adjunct professor of the Faculty of Political Sciences Milos Hrnjaz affirm that our country has not recognized the independence of Kosovo, and they all agree that it is not of the all clear what kind of agreement Serbia signed in Washington.

As the portal reports Nova.rsResponding to the question of what kind of agreement the Serbian and Albanian parties signed in the White House, Milanovic mentioned that neither of the negotiators said it was legally binding, but rather a political agreement.

“A legally binding agreement comes to the end of this process. That is what the European Union is asking Serbia to do: reach a legally binding agreement between the two parties at the end of the negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina,” Milanovic said, adding that the deal was Vučić’s promise to Hoti and Trump. something to do.

On the other hand, Boris Tadic, leader of the Social Democratic Party and former president of Serbia, points out that the agreement between Belgrade and Pristina is scandalous, and that Vucic treated Kosovo as an independent state during the negotiations.

“This is not a small act of implicit recognition of Kosovo. Any act of this kind comes close to a legally binding comprehensive agreement. To achieve it, you have to go through the whole system of implicit recognition, and then you will easily be presented with that ‘cold water. ‘Another act of implicit recognition. “Vučić’s participation in the event, where Israel was forced to recognize the independence of Kosovo. He accepted it and it’s a scandal, “Tadic said.

However, Tadic was replicated by Milos Hrnjaz, who believes that there was no implicit recognition of Kosovo during the negotiations at the White House.

“From the point of view of our state, those were the negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina,” explains Hrnjaz.

Milanovic thinks the term “implicit recognition” is nebulous.

“Serbia has not legally recognized Kosovo as a state. You cannot help but recognize the state millimeter by millimeter. This is not an implicit recognition of Kosovo,” he said.

Emphasizing his political experience, Tadic, reacting to Milanovic’s comment, said that in international relations, each act is treated as an acknowledgment of the new situation on the ground.

“When you come to an international meeting in which Kosovo does not stand out in a certain way in relation to all other states, at that time you implicitly recognized it as an independent state from the point of view of international communication,” Tadic replied.

Hrnjaz says that concrete information about the agreement signed at the White House is still missing.

“The interpretation has evolved a lot. At the beginning, we were given an explanation that it was a bilateral agreement with the United States and that it was a great success. However, after that we received an explanation from Richard Grenelle that the United States is not a signatory, then we got an explanation “Then we got an interpretation from Suzana Vasiljevic that it was a binding letter, which is also new,” he said.

Commenting on Vučić’s visit to RTS and the question that was asked: what kind of agreement is it, Hrnjaz said that during that visit it was said that the letters may not be legally binding, but that everyone who reserves for himself It must respect its international obligations: “It works, it is a non-binding document.”

According to former Serbian President Boris Tadic, Vucic did not recognize Kosovo’s independence in Washington, because that was not the subject of the meeting.

“The mentioned item 10 referred to the issue of minorities. He presented it as an incredible historical ‘no’ of his, like Tito’s Stalin or my Angela Merkel. Now Vučić also needed his own ‘no’. That was not the case, but several times. He said ‘yes’. Everything is a scandal in itself. The idea of ​​implicit recognition is not an essential scandal, that document is a scandalous document, “said the former head of state.

Tadic adds that Vucic showed that he is ready to play a game with the United States with the story about the transfer of the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

“That game can cost Serbia terribly, and no one should do that. We are the weaker side, because we are in some kind of process with the greatest power in the world. The president of Serbia must keep that fact in mind,” Tadic said.

When asked by Olja Bećković why China did not rebel over the Washington agreement, Tadić replied that a possible reaction would humiliate that country.

“That way, they would be reduced to the level of a circus. What China really thinks is something completely different. Neither China nor Russia cares about Serbia. It is only an instrument in their relations with the United States. Russia needed Kosovo.” hand to the United States in the United Nations, and more to China because of the early relations of its policy, “believes Tadic.
