WARRIORS IN NOVI PAZAR ARE UNARMED IN A ROW: The gendarmerie is very busy after the incidents in the city of Jošanica


On the first day of intensified control, mainly through the arrest and search of vehicles, the gendarmes, together with the Novi Pazar policemen, found cold steel, mostly knives, on four people, while at night they verified compliance with the ban on catering facilities.

During the raid, it was discovered that one of the catering services on the outskirts of Novi Pazar violates this measure and that there are more than 120 guests in it. Members of the Novi Pazar police with the Gendarmerie, by order of the Communal Inspection, emptied the bar for violations of epidemiological measures. A misdemeanor report will be filed against the landlord, which carries a “large” fine.

In general, citizens welcome this type of action to control the work of catering facilities, especially since the epidemiological situation in the city remains unstable.

– That they continue like this, that they show that there are no privileged people and that the law also applies to everyone.

I have no objections to the behavior and previous work of the gendarmes – says one of the people from Novi Pazar who did not want his name to be mentioned.

The attacker keeps running

Although the Novi Pazar police, reinforced by a detachment of the Kraljevo Gendarmerie, are deployed in various places in the city, the participant in one of the NA incidents (38) has not yet been prosecuted. He is suspected of firing multiple shots through the window of a cafe in Nihad B. (37) on Thursday, around 3 pm, that he was drinking there.

A record of MH (29) of Novi Pazar found a pistol with 29 bullets, for which he was arrested, and by order of the competent prosecutor he was detained for up to 48 hours on suspicion of having committed the crime of production, possession, carrying and trafficking illicit. weapons, and will be taken to the prosecution with a criminal report.

The mayor of Novi Pazar, Nihat Biševac, also spoke about the security situation in the city and the engagement of the Gendarmerie, for the first time after several incidents in which an accidental bystander was injured. He said that crime will be defeated and citizens will be safe.

– The city is ready for action and we will do everything we can to help the police and prosecutors to protect the safety of honest citizens. Together, we will fight criminals and we will certainly win and restore peace and security in Novi Pazar, Biševac said on RTV Novi Pazar.

He added that he had spoken with Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin and Police Director Vladimir Rebic and was grateful for their quick reaction and help in restoring order and peace in Novi Pazar.

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