Warns that there will be a period when we must be more careful than ever


The topic of the work of schools and faculties in the conditions of the corona virus epidemic is something that is constantly talked about, regardless of the crisis staff meetings, says the deputy director of the Institute “Trampoline” Darija Kisić Tepavčević and emphasizes that the epidemiological situation is monitored and decisions can be made on a daily basis. if necessary.

He stated that the beginning of the school year brought sporadic cases of corona infection and noted that in those situations, they reacted in time to prevent further spread of the virus.

Kisić Tepavčević said that the crisis staff is very proud of the students and teachers who adhere to the prescribed measures.

– Classes are held continuously and without major problems, and we hope to be able to maintain them for as long as possible – said Kisić Tepavčević.

He also stated that the increase in the number of infected people did not increase the number of patients in hospital treatment.

However, he noted that the task of all of us is to maintain that state, emphasizing that there is a period when, due to colder weather, respiratory infections spread more rapidly.

– Experience so far and the previous weeks have shown that we can and do prevent it, and now we must focus our efforts on fighting the virus – Kisić said.

(Kurir.rs/Tanjug/Foto:Printscreen/Kurir TV)

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