Warning: Pristina wants to deceive us


The Chairman of the Assembly Committee for Kosovo and Metohija, Milovan Drecun, says that Pristina wants to play with Belgrade in the negotiations.

Source: RTS

Illustration: Depositphotos / Yarr65

Illustration: Depositphotos / Yarr65

As he said, Pristina wants to impose a position according to which only “mutual recognition” can be discussed.

Drecun also believes that the EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajcak is yielding to pressure from Pristina and is trying to follow another path that will not lead to a deal.

In the preparation of the talks between Belgrade and Pristina, as he recalled, it was agreed to go two ways: to discuss what has not been done, mainly on the SSO, and to discuss economic cooperation, the issue of missing and displaced people in the another way.

Drecun says that Pristina wants to put the JCC aside, to reach an alleged agreement on those three issues, and says that a comprehensive agreement on normalization has been reached and that then only mutual recognition should be discussed.

“The Serbian delegation made a good move to prevent this political game and said: an agreement must be reached on the JCC there and we must agree exactly when the Association will be formed, otherwise there will be no progress,” Drecun said.

He recalled that after the first Brussels agreement, an agreement was reached on the Union of Serbian Municipalities, which defined the details of what the framework, objectives and its organizational structure would be like.

In addition, its special legal nature is foreseen and that the Government of Kosovo will adopt a directly applicable decree that will not be discussed in the constitutional court, but the government will approve a decree that will only introduce the JCC into the legal order.

Explain that Pristina’s tactics go in two directions.

“It is one thing to say that it is not in accordance with the constitution, even though they accepted the agreement. On the other hand, Thaci draws a parallel with the Republika Srpska. The community of Serbian municipalities does not claim to be another Republika Srpska, but a missing mechanism for the survival of the Serbian people and their development, “said Drecun.

He points out that this community would not be necessary if Serbs were equal citizens with Albanians.

It is strange that Lajcak accepts the Pristina game, notes Drecun, adding that Lajcak is an exponent of German politics.

“Pristina wants to deceive us and use this situation to create an image and impose an attitude according to which only mutual recognition can be discussed,” says Drecun.
