WARNING ISSUED TO BELIEVERS ON THE EVE OF GLORY: The Diocese of Raska and Prizren Announces Epidemiological Rules for Upcoming Holidays


Given that we are facing a period in which, under normal circumstances, more monastic, parish and family celebrations are solemnly celebrated, the Diocese of Raska and Prizren has determined the following rules which “must be respected, until further notice, in all parishes and monasteries of the Diocese of Raska and Prizren “.

Monastic and parish celebrations must be celebrated exclusively in the circle of the monastic fraternity: brotherhood or local parish. We are advising devotees and groups of the faithful in our Diocese and beyond, who intend to visit our shrines, especially for the upcoming holidays, to postpone their travels until further notice.

Individual visits to those monasteries, which are not completely closed to visits, are only possible with the announcement and blessing of the monastery administration, with the mandatory use of protective masks, without staying in the monastery facilities and overnight stays.

Celebrate in the family circle

Family celebrations of believers should be held only in the circle of closest relatives and relatives, without inviting guests, as is customary. The feast cake should be brought to the liturgy in the parish church so that the priest can bless it and break it with the candlestick.

The little consecration of water will not yet take place in the homes of believers. There will always be consecrated waters in the temples, so that the faithful can, if necessary, receive them from the priests and take them home. It is understood that consecrated water is not loaded into the temples.

Weddings, baptisms and funerals should be carried out only in the immediate circle of the family, in accordance with all the rules of the competent institutions on behavior in public gatherings, during the epidemic.

Believers in the area of ​​our Diocese may meet regularly for liturgical meetings in their parish temples in accordance with the usual practice that applies during the coronavirus pandemic. In monasteries, the holy liturgies shall be served exclusively in the presence of a monastic fraternity or brotherhood.

– We must be aware that taking care of our own health and protection is not an expression of lack of faith, as some think and affirm, but mainly an expression of love and responsibility towards others, especially those that can have more serious consequences than a possible one infection – in a statement posted on the diocese’s website.

As indicated, these measures are temporary in nature and will last as long as health needs dictate.

– We will inform you in a timely manner about possible changes in the existing practice – the statement concludes.

As indicated, these measures are temporary in nature and will last as long as health needs dictate.

– We will inform you in a timely manner about possible changes in the existing practice – the statement concludes.


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