19.10.2020. 22:28
Before that, the profile “Šarac cinkaroš” was opened on Instagram, which is blocked and has 37 posts.

Usce shooting, Photo: E-stock
Aleksandar Šarc (35), who was injured in the “Ušće” shopping center in New Belgrade on Saturday, was threatened the previous month, not only through Instagram, but also through posters on flagpoles!
According to the source, two weeks before the failed assassination, posters with Sarce’s photo and text were posted in various places in Belgrade:
“Wanted! Citizens are praying if they saw him to inform us. He was last seen smoking a house.”
He is a singer
Before that, the profile “Šarac cinkaroš” was opened on Instagram, which is blocked and has 37 posts.
“Those who saw the profile say that photos of Šarc with threatening messages were uploaded there. They called him a snitch, unfortunate, singer. Apparently, many interpreted these publications as an open threat,” says the source.
It adds that the Instagram page of a fan group sharing posts about Sharc was removed on Sunday.
Usce shooting, Photo: E-stock
“The whistleblower life of this unfortunate man, as well as of his associates, such as Luka Radulović, Miloš Krasić, Miloš Knezević, is sad. We will have more fun with this singer in the next period,” reads the photo of Šarc and his wife.
According to the source, the people who were marked in the ad as associates of Šarc were connected with narcotics and fan groups.
Luka Radulović was murdered in 2018 in a Belgrade tavern, and a year earlier he signed a plea agreement with the prosecution and was sentenced to three years in prison for drug trafficking. Another “associate”, Miloš Knezević, was seriously injured in Petlovo brdo in 2018 At that time, sources in the investigation linked him to drug trafficking and fan fighting, “the source explained, adding:
“The third ‘collaborator’ is supposedly a fan, and came to the fore in 2011, after the murder of Ivan Perovic, a fan of the Forbidden One. He was acquitted at trial on charges of participation in the murder.”