“WAIT FOR THE INCREASE IN THE NUMBER OF INFECTED IN TWO WEEKS” Dr. Tiodorović on the shock he experienced in Jagodina and the consequences of his summer vacation


Due to the return of people from the summer holidays and the non-compliance of the measures in some situations, an increase in the number of people suffering from the root virus can be expected in two weeks, believes Professor Dr. Branislav Tiodorović, epidemiologist and member of crisis personnel.

This expert told “Politika” that going to the sea was a risk that he did not recommend, but that citizens, despite those recommendations, were going on vacation.

Depending on interest, people spent their summers in various countries, from Croatia to Albania, despite the fact that a greater number of patients were registered in those countries than in our country. Tiodorović remembers that there are also those who spent their holidays in our mountains and spas, but did not respect the recommended measures.

Vacation this yearPhoto: Vladimir Živojinović / RAS Serbia

Vacation this year

Clash at Jagodina

– That should be said openly. I was surprised to see a large number of people at the Jagodina water park, where no one wears a mask and is kept at a distance. Not to mention various musical events and celebrations in many Serbian cities. Due to the school, a large number of patients will certainly not turn up, we will only record sporadic cases. Accusing schools of infecting them is silly. We should also pay attention to those people who have just left or are simply planning to go on vacation, because they postponed it to September, especially those who are going to the Mediterranean – emphasizes Dr. Tiodorović.

The fact that the nationwide inspection checks the catering facilities that host pop star concerts, where large numbers of citizens gather, also shows that the situation is dire.

Yesterday nine new charges were filed against those who did not comply with the epidemiological recommendations.

Dr. Tiodorović is more concerned about those returning from summer vacation than about the start of the new school year.Photo: nr / RAS Serbia

Dr. Tiodorović is more concerned about those returning from summer vacation than about the start of the new school year.

– The most important thing now is to supervise the implementation of the measures. So far it has not worked because many have not realized how important it really is, not even the inspection services or the communal police. And without that, we cannot reduce the chance of infection. I don’t know why they avoided controlling and punishing those who deafened respect for the measures, because there were different interpretations. Crisis staff insist on surveillance. We must also make people aware and explain why it is not good to be at concerts where people sing and have fun, without respecting preventive measures – he said and added:

“When people sing, they emit aerosol droplets that go 4 to 8 meters away. When someone is breathing and is infected with a crown and does not have a protective mask, they spread up to 1 meter, and when they speak, they can” travel “Up to a meter and a half or two. There is no risk equal to zero in nature. But it decreases when what doctors advise is respected. People ask if the choirs can perform. They can, but they must be at least 20 meters from distance from the public. ” The same happens with concerts with wind instruments. “

Interestingly, Scottish authorities also banned house gatherings in Glasgow and two nearby districts due to the increase in the number of people infected with the corona virus. They are not allowed to welcome people who are not part of their home, nor are they allowed to visit each other. The Scottish Prime Minister explained this decision by saying that the infection is transmitted mainly in homes and that the measure will be in effect for two weeks. Is something like this also advised to our citizens?

Branislav TiodorovićPhoto: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug

Branislav Tiodorović

The season of glory is coming soon …

– When we say that the ban on gathering more than 30 people is in force, we did not say where. That also applies to houses. Any gathering of a large number of people in a house or apartment is a risk. That is why it is necessary to mention what is and what is not allowed. The season of celebrations will begin soon. It can be celebrated, but with a small number of people and respecting the measures – says Dr. Tiodorović.

He affirms that despite everything, we must be aware that a natural process is taking place: infecting the nation with a new virus.

– Many young people had the virus without symptoms in the previous period. This means that our population is getting worse. We do not know exactly how many citizens acquired immunity and can only be found out if a large number of respondents are included. In the first avalanche of the crown, we managed to save the oldest citizens, unlike, for example, Sweden, where two-thirds of the elderly who received the crown died. Elderly and chronic patients still need care, as well as people who have had decreased immunity. People who have allergies, for example to ragweed, should also be protected because they are more susceptible to contracting this infection, believes this epidemiologist.

The question is always how long immunity lasts for those who have had a crown. He points out that no one can say that right now because too short a period of ok has passed when kovid-19 appeared.

– And world immunologists constantly say that the problem is that it is not known. It will take at least another half year to get a feel for that, concludes Dr. Tiodorović.

Video: How the Crown Enters Human Cells
