VULINA MUP, SPS STAYS IN NEMANJINA? Photo-completion of the formation of a new government


According to our information, Brnabić scheduled consultations with the leaders of the SPS and JS, Ivica Dačić and Dragan Marković Palm, for tomorrow at eight o’clock, and an hour later a conversation with the president of the SPAS, Aleksandar Šapić, will follow.

According to our sources, only the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, is familiar with the list of candidates for future ministers, which was “adapted” by Prime Minister Ana Brnabić.


ACCORDING to the procedure, the proposed Government Law must reach parliament, where the new ministries will be located. The deputies must decide on this act, and then on the candidates for new ministers. After the election, members of the government are sworn in before parliament. The session is scheduled for Thursday of this week or Tuesday of the next.

For now, it is known, and this was confirmed by the designated prime minister, that there will be about 50 percent women in his new cabinet and that, as proposed by the head of state, two new departments will be formed: human rights, gender equality and social dialogue. and taking care of families, children, and demographics.

As we found out, the biggest weigh-in is around the force department, and there is speculation in political and security circles that there could be the biggest surprises, that is, the castling of ministers. The current head of the defense department, Aleksandar Vulin, will no longer be in that position, and Nebojsa Stefanovic was “seen” in his place. Although it was speculated that the Ministry of the Interior could take over the director of the BIA, Bratislav Gasic, as we have learned, he will not change his address. In other words, the most realistic option is for Stefanović and Vulin to “swap” places, that is, for Vulin to take over the police force.

Photo: Archive

The media and the political bazaar have so far formed various governments, and some of the current ministers look at most of these personal puzzles. They are Siniša Mali, Branislav Nedimović, Zorana Mihajlović and Nebojša Stefanović.

Apparently the Socialists should also be part of the future government, but instead of five, they could now get three or just two departments (Dacic diplomacy and Antic energy). That math will depend on the decision of whether SPAS also enters Nemanjina 11. However, the option of Shapic being part of the ruling coalition has less chance for now.


If Serbia gets a new government on the last day of the legal deadline, that is, on November 3, it will mean that we have been waiting for it for 135 days since the elections, which were held on June 21.

All previous prime ministers, with the exception of Mirko Marjanovic, who served in his second government for 184 days (elections held in September 1997, ministers were sworn in on March 24, 1998), were faster.

Of the 2,000, the longest wait has been for Vojislav Kostunica’s second cabinet. Negotiations between DSS and DS lasted up to 114 days, and the government was elected on May 15, 2007, half an hour before the deadline.

In 2001, Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic formed a government in just 33 days. While in 2004, Kostunica needed 66 days. Mirko Cvetković proposed exhibitions and candidates for ministers in 2008, the 57th day after the elections. Ivica Dačić cut his cabinet in 82 days in 2012, and Vučić assembled a team in 42 days in his first term as prime minister in 2014, and in 109 days in his second term in 2016.

Tomorrow is the 121st day since the elections held on June 21.

The president of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Marko Čadež (economics) and Suzana Grubješić (European integration instead of Jadranka Joksimović) were mentioned as new faces in Nemanjina. A final decision has not yet been made on whether the current Speaker of the Assembly, Maja Gojković, will take over culture or perhaps some other department. Apart from Gojković, Aja Jung and the director of the “Official Gazette” Jelena Trivan are also mentioned as possible heirs of Vladan Vukosavljević.

The former president of the Savski Venac municipality in Belgrade, Irena Vujovic, but also the deputy director of “Trampoline”, Darija Kisic Tepavcevic, are also candidates for future ministers. A surprise is also expected with respect to the announced ministry of social dialogue, which according to some speculations should be handed over to someone from the civil or opposition sector who participated in the elections but did not pass the census. In some circles, Gordana Comic of United Democratic Serbia has the best chance for that position, whose proposals on the representation of women on electoral lists have been accepted.

The Ministry of Commerce, Tourism and Telecommunications will no longer be headed by Rasim Ljajic, but someone from his party is likely to take over the ministry. The question is also open whether Milan Krkobabic of PUPS and Nenad Popovic of SNP will remain in government, and if in that case they will keep the ministries without a portfolio for regional and technological development.

Photo: Archive

With the announcement of the composition of the new government, it must be known who will be the new leadership of the parliament, that is, the president of the Assembly. SNS officials Vladimir Orlić, Marija Obradović, Vladimir Marinković were mentioned as candidates for that post, but it is not excluded that the SPS will obtain that post.

– I am sure that until Friday there were no talks about the participation of the SPS in the new Serbian Government. I came to Kragujevac at the weekend and I don’t know if the issue was discussed in the meantime – said Djukic Dejanovic.

The director of the Agency “Factor Plus”, Vladimir Pejić, believes that the new government will have roughly the same number of ministries, of which there are currently 21, because the SNS is not in a situation where it has to satisfy appetites from coalition partners:

– The SNS can form a government independently and does not have to make concessions to grant the partners ministerial positions or other high positions, that is why numerous ministries are not needed.

He also notes that ministries without portfolios are not insignificant, stating that there are very specific responsibilities.

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