Vulin: YUKOM’s invitation to the Prime Minister is a message from the embassies that they do not want him in the Serbian Government – Politika


Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin today assessed that the invitation of the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights (YUKOM) to Prime Minister-designate Ana Brnabic to leave him out of her new cabinet, is “a message from embassies and ambassadors (on that ) when they would not like to see the new Serbian government. “

Vulin: JUKOM's invitation to the Prime Minister is a message from the embassies that they will not be in the Government of Serbia 1Photo: BETAPHOTO / MINISTRY OF DEFENSE OF SERBIA / Jovo Mamula / DS (file)

In a written statement, Vulin assessed that YUKOM “and other non-governmental organizations in The Hague never work alone and do not say what they were not ordered to say.”

“It is good to know that I have not changed in all these years of power, they never wanted to see me in parliament, in the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, or in the government. “My movement would be a good gift for both Thaci and the ambassadors, it is a pity that the progress of the army is so visible, but that is why my withdrawal would be even more valuable,” said Vulin, the Defense Ministry reported.

He noted that “it is more important to him that the government does not change the policy towards military neutrality, the attitude towards Serbs outside Serbia, the attitude towards Russia, China, the policy of social justice”, than to be a minister.

YUKOM will not ask one bit about the Serbian Government’s policy, nor about me. I don’t hate anyone, and that cannot be said of the NGO in The Hague, “said the minister of the outgoing government.

Today, the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights asked the president for the composition of the Government of Serbia, Ana Brnabić, to omit Aleksandar Vulin, former Minister of Defense, from the proposal of future ministers.

During his tenure as Defense Minister, and intensively during the Belgrade-Pristina talks, Vulin publicly called Albanians ‘Shiptars’ and insulted the dignity of the Albanian national minority. In this way, he showed a lack of respect for the opinions of the national courts that the derogatory designation of the Albanian minority by this name is hate speech, “YUKOM said.

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