Vulin: as Trump was censored on the networks, so will Vučić


The Interior Minister and president of the Socialist Movement (PS), Aleksandar Vulin, said, commenting on the interruption of the television broadcast of the speech of the candidate for the second term of the president of the United States, Donald Trump, that the president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, will suffer such “censorship”.

Some of the main American televisions interrupted the transmission of Trump’s statement, explaining that he made unfounded assessments and unfounded assertions about the alleged irregularity of the electoral process in the United States.

Just as the West would like to leave the government in Serbia without elections, so they began to decide what is true on social media. Censorship on Facebook in Serbia is led by Istinomer, known for his political color and criteria that must be in line with his political position. “Just as they censored Trump in the United States, they will ban Vučić in Serbia, and with him all those who are not on their list of eligible people,” Vulin said, according to the PS.

He said they wanted to “silence” Vučić because they could not win him in the elections and assessed that “there is no freedom for opponents of totalitarian regimes that impose sanctions and decide who is guilty without a court, and there is no freedom for opponents of the system. of Big Brother “. , and what not to say “.

“The only way to remain free is not to participate in their networks and think for ourselves. The story that the West is a ‘role model in respect of human rights’ is a painful lie, let’s protect our Serbia and our way of life, Facebook certainly won’t! ” Vulin.
