
Photo: Dragana Udovicic, Printscreen
The liquidation of Vujadin Pejanović (34) aka Vule Balavi, in the way it was carried out, was reminiscent of the murders that took place during the 1990s all over Serbia! The killer waited for Pejanović to get into his “Opel” and, just as he was putting the key in the lock, he walked over and fired a deadly 14-round burst of the “interrupt”.
Pejanović was killed on the spot, and this settlement is the same as the murder of Goran Vuković Majmun, Rade Ćaldović Ćenta and Maja Pavić, godmother Svetlana Ceca Ražnatović, then Branko Grebenarević, Jusuf Jusa Bulić and many others.

It is suspected that he was liquidated in the calculation of the drug clans for dominance in the drug market, but the real motives are still unknown. It is presumed that it was a professional murder, because one bullet struck the temple and the other went through the heart.
According to Marko Nicovic, a former head of the Belgrade Police, this method of liquidation was popular with murderers because the driver is the easiest target when he puts the key in the lock.
– Both hands are busy for the driver at the moment! The one on the right holds the engine key and is under the steering wheel, the one on the left is usually on the steering wheel, and the gaze is usually focused on the lock that the key should be inserted into! If the target carries a weapon on the right side of the body, the victim has little room to quickly reach the weapon, says Marko Nicovic.
He adds that this type of settlement is usually applied by professionals!
– Apart from taking care to attack when the target is focused on starting the engine, the killers always approach from a “blind spot”, so that the victim cannot notice it in the rear view mirror – Nicovic said.

The former chief of the Belgrade police adds that this model of liquidation was taken over by our underground from the South American drug cartels.
– It was invented by Pablo Escobar in the eighties and not many people have to participate in a crime like this, such as murder from a moving car – says Nicovic.
Vujadin has been sentenced to prison several times for serious crimes, such as complicity in a murder. Pejanovic was convicted twice, but on probation. He was also arrested as an accomplice of Ivan Borovcanin for the murder of Milan Vukmanovic (20) in front of the Sava Center in 1996.
After Keka’s escape, it is believed that it was Vujadin Pejović who organized the drug sale on his orders. Vule Balavi has been linked to the planning of the 2006 assassination of Dragan Jocic, a former interior minister, and Milorad Veljovic, the director of police.
Kekina’s group was generally known for murders, assassinations, rapes, and extortion.
Photo by Dragana Udovicic

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Author: delivery courier