Vukadinović: The opposition must form a front and establish the conditions for the government


Djordje Vukadinovic, editor-in-chief of “New Serbian Political Thought”, believes that the opposition should form a front that does not have to result in a column, and that he did not participate in today’s second meeting at the New Party facilities, that he did not it included the United Opposition. , because he thinks that the issue is not in how many columns it will appear, but in what conditions the authorities will put before the next elections.

I said that I would not come to this meeting, that I think it was poorly prepared, that is, that we gave up on the little progress that we made in the last meeting. Someone thought that iron was forged while it was hot, so they rushed to the next meeting. … You have to win more things. Let’s agree on the date and agenda of the meeting, which was not the case, “said Vukadinovic on Dan live on TV N1.

“Today the issue was how many columns we will appear in, and not in what conditions we will put the authorities. Neither Belgrade, nor the international community nor the opposition did it well, which the regime used very well. We must have red lines, because the citizens and supporters will ask us, how he boycotted the previous elections, and will move on to the next, “said Vukadinović.

He added that he believes that “everyone will learn certain lessons, including the regime,” from the last elections.

“Even (Serbian President Aleksandar) Vucic is not happy with what he got. He won. Serbia has the only parliament in which there is no opposition, not even cosmetic. The opposition has learned certain lessons, I think it will certainly not boycott the next elections. “said Vukadinovic. .

He noted that the situation of the opposition in Serbia is “very bad, as in all countries like this one where the government is authoritarian.” “There is no song for the opposition,” Vukadinović said, but added that Vučić was “a little ashamed of the parliament that he won at the end of the ballad.”

“The united opposition of Serbia, who are not perfect and sinless saints, leaders and opponents, came out of this process (election boycott) with some credibility that could be transferred to this other part of the opposition (who did not boycott the elections) And my arrival (at the first meeting) was a step in that direction: “Let’s talk, let’s be benevolent,” says Vukadinović.

“Now for us (New Party chairman), Zoran Zivkovic and some others are teaching lessons that they were right, and they didn’t win as many votes as they collected signatures. No luck, I agree. We heard lessons from those who believed in Vucic, and then they felt quite ashamed, ”says the former MP and political analyst.

When asked if the opposition should wait for the Democratic Party (DS) to reform, Vukadinovic replied that it is a difficult question, as well as that he is one of the few non-DS opponents.

“I would like it to survive, it is needed, not only because it is a symbol, we also bury more important symbols, it is a serious party, at least for our conditions. But, this suicidal spiral into which they have fallen, I am afraid I will not end. I notice so much bad blood on social media and on the political fringes that I would be shocked if a reasonable solution is found there. Half of the bad blood in the opposition is due to the arrears within the DS, or what is left of it, “said. Vukadinović.

We are far from Montenegro

He noted that Serbia is far from the political situation in Montenegro, in which the opposition, before beginning to split into columns, “turned away from the opposition of Djukanovic” (Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic).

“And then what was left, no matter how different it was, they agreed how many columns they would go to. We haven’t gotten to that yet,” Vukadinović said.

He assessed that the political events in Montenegro are important and that they will have “tectonic changes for the entire region, including Serbia.”

“The Serbian regime is not in favor of the opposition, but things have gotten out of hand,” Vukadinovic said, adding that almost nothing has been achieved in Serbia that was a precondition for a change of government in Montenegro: two important opposition newspapers, two out of four. television was also in opposition and the Church was against the regime.

“There is nothing like that in Serbia. I’m so ridiculous when we talk about how many columns we should get out, and we haven’t done anything before. Excitement has appeared in Serbia, looking at photos from Montenegro. Vučić is much more concerned about those photos and that enthusiasm. , and the possibility of contagion from that example from Montenegro, but I can, I will not say, sleep peacefully, but we are far from that example, ”says Vukadinović.

“With all the problems, when you go together, when you have a bloc, the front, you have good results. In Montenegro, there was a lot to agree, from the crown, the failed tourist season, and it took a bit of luck. We, the opposition At the moment we are not even qualifying to hope for happiness, much less anything else ”, concludes Vukadinović.
